
15 Straight-Shootin’ Facts About Jesse James

Jesse James became an outlaw legend. But like all legends, most people don't know the real details of his life.

What was this cowboy really like, and what made him the way he is? Let's find out!


Jesse James once paid off a widow's mortgage and saved her from foreclosure because she gave him food. He made sure she got a receipt from the banker and then robbed the man a mile down the road.-u/Orianmgs


Jesse James, during the US Civil War, was a Confederate guerilla who participated in massacres of abolitionists and unarmed Union troops.


The Pinkertons are a real detective agency. Founded by Allan Pinkerton, as personal security during the civil war, he hired "Pinkerton Agents". Pinkerton agents eventually became employed by the US government to track down western outlaws Jesse James, the Reno Gang, and the Wild Bunch.-u/DDRichard



After Jesse James' death in 1882, his mother bought many second-hand guns and would sell them claiming them to have belonged to Jesse, leading many people to believe they owned a gun that had belonged to the infamous outlaw.-u/TypicalCricket


In 1948, a man by the name of J. Frank Dalton surfaced in Texas, claiming to be 101-year-old outlaw Jesse James, who was believed murdered in 1882. The man had been recounting the story for decades throughout James’ home state Missouri. After exhumation on both graves, DNA could not confirm or deny his story.-u/octobervampire


Robert Ford, the "coward" who shot Jesse James in the back of the head, was afterward charged with murder, sentenced to hang, and pardoned, all on the same day.-u/secron7


Jesse James, the Old American Outlaw, refused to rob a bank in McKinney, Texas because his favorite chili parlor was in town.-deleted user


The 1st actor ever to play Jesse James on film was his own son, Jesse James Jr, in the 1921 film "Under the Black Flag".-u/Demithus


Albert Einstein, Jesse James, and Charles Darwin all married their first cousins.-u/filthytaft



John Wilkes Booth, Jesse James, and Sam Houston are alleged members of the Knights of the Golden Circle - a secret society dedicated to conquering all of Latin America and annexing them to the United States as slave states.-u/WalkingTurtleMan


William T. Anderson, known as Bill, was a Confederate Guerilla from the Civil War. He would regularly scalp the Union soldiers he killed. When his Guerillas were ambushed and Bill was killed, his accomplice Jesse James was one of the few to escape.-u/The_ring_came_off


On December 7, 1869, Jesse James asked to change a $100 bill, and thinking that the banker was responsible for the death of Bill, shot the man in the heart. Local newspapers labeled the actions vicious and bloodthirsty and called for the gang’s capture.-u/Cincykid23


Jesse James has a Death Monument at 1318 Lafayette Street, St. Joseph, MO 64503.-u/weborigination



Jesse and James of Team Rocket are named after Jesse James.-u/ktbrava


Edward O'Kelley, who killed Robert Ford, slayer of Jesse James, had a bitchin' 'stache.-u/Sven_the_Bard


Barry Weiss from Storage Wars (the one with the awesome cars) is Jesse James' godfather.-u/banana212



15 years later, Brad Pitt's best film is still 'The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.'-u/Iamnotrobertpires


Edward O'Kelly, the man who shot and killed Robert Ford (who had killed Jesse James by shooting him in the back), was released due in part to a petition favoring his release getting 7,000 signatures, he later was killed while trying to shoot a police officer.-u/Ryan_Holman


In the 1939 film "Jesse James" a blindfolded horse was intentionally plunged 70 feet off a cliff to its death for a chase scene.-u/holydiverdickbutt



The 1939 film Jesse James became the focus of public outrage when a horse died during a dangerous stunt. That resulted in the American Humane Association officially monitoring the treatment of animals on film.-u/Zer0_Karma


In 1882, Robert Ford killed the outlaw Jesse James in order to collect the reward... only to find out that he would immediately be charged with first-degree murder.-u/bens111


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