
21 Body-Related Signs That Nobody Should Ignore

Your body is the only thing you really, truly own. Sure, we can have certificates of ownership and titles on our cars and other bits of paper with our signature at the bottom, but really, the only thing you have true autonomy over is your own flesh and blood. So its important to take care of it and listen to your body to keep you and your loved ones on this earth for as long as possible.


When you're dehydrated and still throwing up


If your pee is so dark that it looks like Guinness, go to the hospital immediately.


Losing the ability to see color in one or more eye, sign of major issue in brain.



You took a new medicine and your throat is closing up. Anaphylaxis can kill you.


The worst headache of your life, which came on very quickly. (Also known as a 'Thunderclap headache'). Even with no other symptoms, this needs to be looked at immediately. Could be any range of things, but what they're most concerned with is a ruptured aneurysm.


When you throw up and it looks like coffee grounds.


Signs of stroke.Face or mouth droopingArm weaknessSpeech slurredTime to call an ambulanceSo think FAST


A "feeling of impending doom". Really, it's actually considered a clinical sign and can indicate impending stroke, heart attack, or other things. Can also be a panic attack but if it comes out of nowhere and isn't associated with a known anxiety disorder, don't be afraid to take it seriously.


If one of your pupils is fully dilated to the point you can barely see your iris, but the other eye is normal. Get yourself to the E.R Stat.



Growing pain in your back near your kidney? Stones. Go to the hospital before the pain gets unbearable.


Sudden hearing loss. The faster you get to the hospital the better the chances of reversing it (statistically)In my case I left it for two weeks and I’m now living with tinnitus.


You were told 48 hours ago that you had gastroenteritis ("stomach flu") and you did everything the doc said and not only don't you feel better, you feel worse.There are a lot of things it could be, but gastroenteritis is probably not it, and some of the other possibilities are potentially lethal.


For women on birth control: serious shortness of breath (as in a relatively healthy person being winded just walking to/from car) and unexplained pain in your legs, mainly inside thighs. Blood clots/embolisms. They can kill you VERY fast if they break loose and travel.



I had a headache for a week and was getting confused at work.2 brain tumors and hydrocephalus led to immediate intake


You were bit by an animal. ALWAYS ASSUME IT WAS RABID. if you don’t get rabies treatment within something like 48 hours you could cross the threshold into guaranteed death.


Sudden onset abdominal pain and vomiting. Appendicitis doesn’t always present as pain in the lower right quadrant. If it bursts you’re f*cked.



Skin/white of the eyes turning yellow. This probably caused by accumulation of bilirubin in the blood which can be caused by severe liver failure.


When that wound you got on your foot by stepping on a rusty nail smells like rot.


If you have chest pain and especially if it's combined with sweating, nausea/vomiting, left arm pain, and/or a sense of impending doom.



Wife had a pain in her shoulder and told me about it. Said it was uncomfortable but not a big deal. I told her to send her doctor a message. Went in for an appointment immediately. She had internal bleeding from an ectopic pregnancy and had about 12 oz of blood floating around in her.


If your newborn spits up bright green. Solid sign there is a major intestinal blockage (even without any other symptoms) and there is a small window to get that corrected before death. I have forgotten alot from my STABLE class, but I do remember that.


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