21 of the Creepiest Mysteries and Phenomenon You Will Ever See

A collection of creepy stories that will probably give you nightmares.


The FlatWoods Monster - Three boys witnessed something crashing down to Earth, they tracked it and found a creature surrounded by a cloud of mist and “emitting a shrill hissing noise.” The boys, who breathed the mist, experienced “vomiting and convulsions” for several weeks.


Hinterkaifeck Murders - An article about the unsolved murder of an entire German family and their maid with an axe. The case baffled the police force and remains unsolved and completely terrifying.


Taman Shud Case - On 1st December 1948, a dead body washed up on a beach in Adelaide, Australia. No-one has been able to identify the man to this day, but in his pocket they found a piece of paper that read “tamam shud” which means “finished” in Persian.



Scaphism is the worst way to die, ever! The victim was trapped between two boats, force fed milk and honey (and covered in it), and laid out in the sun to be eaten alive by insects. Yuck.


Rat King - A phenomenon that happens when any number of rats “become stuck together with blood, dirt, ice, or feces” Both disgusting and terrifying.


Cotard Delusion - An extremely rare illness in which the person who has it is convinced they are dead, or do not exist.


Dyatlov Pass Incident - In 1959, nine hikers disappeared in Dyatlov Pass, Russia. Their camp was discovered with tents ripped open and their bodies found barefoot, bearing “no signs of struggle.” Theories on what happened range from “paranormal activity to secret weapons test” really though, it’s a total mystery.


Premature Burial - Surely there is nothing worse than being buried alive?!


June and Jennifer Gibbons - An inseparable set of twins from Wales who lived their lives essentially mute., only speaking with each other and their other sister. Eventually they decided that in order for one to live a normal life, the other must sacrifice herself.



Black Eyed Children - Paranormal creatures who resemble children between the ages of 6 and 16 with pale white skin and black eyes who are reportedly seen hitchhiking or panhandling, or are encountered on doorsteps of residential homes. Lets just hope we never, ever come across one.


Tarrare - A French man in the 18th Century had an appetite, no matter what he ate, could never be fulfilled. Tarare could “eat a meal intended for 15 people in one sitting…live cats…puppies,” even once ate “an eel whole without chewing.” Oh, and he also liked the occasional corpse and was accused of eating a toddler.


UVB-76 - A radio station that broadcasts “short, monotonous” tones all day long and “on rare occasions” has the tones replaced with a “voice transmission in Russian.”


Dead For Years - Joyce Vincent was dead in her apartment for three years with the TV left on before she was discovered.



Pope Lick Monster - A “human-goat hybrid with a grotesquely deformed body of a man” that is said to live underneath a railway in Kentucky. Legends say the beast uses “hypnosis to lure trespasses onto the trestle to meet their death before an oncoming train or a blood stained axe” to help people meet their end.


Benjamin Kyle - Benjamin Kyle is a 69-year old man who was discovered in Georgia in 2004. No-one knows who he is and investigators have been unable to find any family or any way to identify himself. Kyle is “the only American citizen officially listed as missing despite his whereabouts being known.”


Locked-In Syndrome - A condition “in which a patient is aware but cannot move or communicate verbally due to total paralysis of nearly all voluntary muscles in the body except for the eyes. Effectively, you’re trapped in your own body.



List of Reported UFO Sightings - A debate has always raged over whether they’re real or not. With so many apparent sighting, more and more people are becoming convinced.


Shadow Person - “Shadow people” apparently come and visit people in the middle of the night, and are a major source of fear for numerous people.


Clinton Road - The most terrifying road in the US, it’s home to the “many legends of paranormal occurrences such as sightings of ghosts, strange creatures and gatherings of witches, Satanists, and America’s “longest traffic light wait.” So you can’t even escape quickly, brilliant.



Coffin Birth - Essentially, this is when the gasses inside a deceased pregnant women cause a post-mortum “coffin birth,” pushing the dead fetus that is inside; out. Not very nice.


The Euthanasia Coaster - Yep, you guessed it – a roller coaster designed to kill every single person who rides it with “elegance and euphoria".


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