21 New and Terrifying Ghostly Images

A photographer was taking multiple snapshots of this girl when a face seemed to appear behind her. There were no adjustments whatsoever between the photos he took.

This guy could see after the first pic something was "manifesting" behind him. So he took the second pic under different lighting.

According to the story, someone purchased a cell phone and this photo of a corpse appeared in their gallery. They would repeatedly delete it but it would keep coming back.

Famed Demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren wrote a book about this location. It's Union Cemetery in Easton, Connecticut, where someone caught a picture of a floating head.
The woman who took this photo claims that she walked in one day to see her blanket sitting up like this, looking as though a person were under it. According to her, it stayed like this for several days.
Bethany, from Northern Ireland, took a snapchat selfie of herself and nephew with her sister photobombing it, but little did they realise there was another "person" photobombing the picture! Bethany swears there was no one else in the room when the picture was taken. Now she has been left feeling very spooked.
Two photos of the full moon, taken one immediately after the other. Whatever this figure is, the photographer claims wasn't there.
This photo was taken in the late 60's. The guy was so creeped out by it he offered a reward to anyone who could explain what is in it.
A kid took a pic with his cell of his friend in front of their bonfire. It seems to show he's not alone.
A man hiking in the Australian bush claimed to suddenly feel extreme dread. When reviewing his photos later, a man in red is seen staring right at him.
The kid who took this photo claims that he and his friend on the couch were home alone that night.
Professional photographer Jules Annan took the image on New Year's Eve - but only noticed the ghostly apparition when he got home. He said: 'Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I can't explain it. "There was no one there when I took the photograph and it is not a double exposure or a long exposure."
This is an image from an old newspaper clipping a guy's mom kept after a woman was run over and killed by a car. No one else ever made any comment about the face in the back bumper.
The girl in the center is not part of this family, nor was anyone else swimming with them when this photo was taken.
A group of carpenters refused to come back to this location after looking through their photographs and finding this image.
A couple of campers said they heard strange noises from behind their tent and both decided to take a look. They used their camera and claimed this strange face was not there until they reviewed the photos.
Taken in an old hospital, where it's said the ghost of a sad doctor walks the halls still upset over his patients.