
20 Movie Mistakes Where Someone Was Clearly Checked Out

How did these slip past the editing room? Probably because somebody was out too late the night before.


It can take years to make a movie, with months of meticulous frame by frame planning before the first scene is even shot. And once shooting has concluded, the editing room has its own arduous process to begin.

With all that being the case, it's shocking that these movie mistakes managed to get past the editing room, and onto the big screen for good. Here are 21 movie mistakes that made the final cut.

2. “Braveheart”

Baseball cap during the Scottish Wars of Independence.

3. “Beverly Hills Cop”

You can clearly see Eddie Murphy’s stunt double being used in this shot.


4. “Gladiator”

A gas cylinder gets exposed when the chariot crashes.

5. "NCIS"

A phone call on the calculator app.

6. “Django Unchained”

The harpist is playing Für Elise. Für Elise wasn't published until 1867; eight years after the movie takes place.

7. “Scream”

8. “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice”

In this scene, the muzzle flashes are reversed for a couple of rounds.

9. “Swingers”

Extra breaks the fourth wall.


10. “Inventing Anna”

Photographer has his lens cap on.

11. “Transformers: Rise of the Beasts”

Splashed kids are completely dry.

12. “Malcolm in the Middle”

Crew member with a bucket kneeling down in shot.

13. “Braveheart”

Charging with a sword, then an ax, and then a sword.


14. “Christmas Twister”

How do you spell the title of your own movie wrong?

15. “No One Will Save You”

Crew member in reflection of truck.

16. “That 90's Show”

Despite the show’s name, it featured modern Doritos packaging.


17. "Anger Management"

They leave a key in the door durning the first episode.

18. “Scream”

19. “Osmosis Jones”

Chris Rock as the titular character accidentally refers to Leah by her actor's name, Brandy Norwood, and it was just left in.


20. “Oppenheimer”

This scene features 50-stars US flags. It is set in 1945, when the US only had 48 states.

21. “Battle of the Bulge: Winter War”

The machine gun rounds are facing backwards.


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