21 Cleverly Designed Things to Make Life Easier
The world is full of plenty of bad ideas, lame designs, and not-so-hot products. But what about the good ones?
Technology is always changing and advancing. With that comes improvements on current designs and innovations and inventions that can help make things better for everyone.
Check out this batch of ideas, inventions, and designs that are doing their small part to make life easier.

Technology is always changing and advancing. With that comes improvements on current designs and innovations and inventions that can help make things better for everyone. Check out this batch of ideas, inventions, and designs that are doing their small part to make life easier.

This elevator has buttons for your feet so you don’t have to touch the other ones with your hands.
“Some of the chairs in the hospital’s lobby are taller for people who have issues sitting and standing.”
“I thought these umbrella bags were interesting. Longer bags are available on the reverse side.”
“This water bottle refill station at the airport has saved almost half a million plastic bottles.”
“The bathroom at DFW airport has lights on the ceiling that turn from green to red if the stall is locked.”