
21 Celebs That People Absolutely Despise

And for good reason...

Thanks to AskReddit, we've collected some of the most despised celebrities out there.


Alex Jones, for obvious reasons. -Comet127


Chris Brown. A verbal argument ensued and Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. (Rihanna) with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion.

Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.'s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle. -Steepanddeep


As you know, she named her first child Blue Ivy. There was a Boston-based company that had had that name prior to her naming her child that. She tried to trademark the name, and I think attempted to sue the company; the company won because they had been established for at least a few years at that point.

Also, when she gave birth, the whole maternity ward was closed off to everyone. Including fathers whose partners had just given birth. Imagine your wife giving birth and you’re not allowed to be there because a celebrity wants the whole floor to herself. -mistressglass



No one else can't stand Danny Masterson? Rapist protected by a cult? Ruined that show for me, what a POS. -VERO2020


I just don't understand how Johnny Depp got booted from 'Fantastic Beasts' off of one allegation when Ezra miller has been arrested for things and is just dubious generally and he's still in those movies. -blayndle


Subway Jared for the depth of his selfishness and depravity. He isn't even a little bit sorry for what he did. -guaukdslkryxsodlnw


You guys remember that time Andy Dick gave Phil Hartman’s wife, who was in recovery, cocaine? -kitesaredope


Jeff Bezos, because he pays his employees garbage wages while he's off going on joy rides to space. -Music_Girl2000


Anyone who uses their celebrity platform to promote medical decisions they have no authority or intellect to promote. Jenny McCarthy I am looking at you and all your anti-axxer friends. -Forward-Driver-3676



Jerry Seinfeld.

I don’t think he’s at all funny, which isn’t why I dislike him. He’s extremely pretentious, seems to think he’s God's gift to comedy. Hes' been very rude in a lot of interviews, especially his with Larry King. Jerry seems like the kind of guy I would hate to meet. -commando_cookie0


All of the Duggars, but especially Josh for molesting his sisters and cheating on his wife all while espousing wholesome Christian values. He can f**k right off.

Edit: And kiddie p*rn. Massive omission and the biggest offense of them all! I subconsciously tried to forget that one, I guess. -Due-Bed-4669


Kim Kardashian. She’s my pick. Not just because I hate everything she stands for, everything she has generated, everything she has influenced, and the poison she unleashed on a whole generation or two of mainly women, but also because she gets treated as some kind of luminary and hero of something something women.

She’s constantly the main interview in women power summits, and I’ve so many people filled with pride proclaiming her as “the most powerful business woman in the world” as of that makes her any less of a piece of poisonous shit or her business do anything even remotely constructive to society - in fact it’s just the opposite. Goddam I hate that whole quadrant of American celebrity. -nsinsinsi


Kanye West. Literally, he was abusive, practically stalking Kim K and using threatening language and the world just found it entertaining??? Disgusting. -Loveisapill



Dr. Phil likely knew about abuse going on at a turnaround camp he was sending kids to and then belittled Danielle Bregoli (cash me ousside girl) after she shared her experiences with being at one. -picnic-boy


John Lennon. Look up his personal life, he was actually a POS that preached peace and love but did none of that to his family, friends and kids. -SweetnSour_DimSum


Lena Dunham. I’m way too lazy to scroll and see if anyone else has mentioned her but if you have, cheers! I cannot abide that sister-molesting, self applauding twat. I hope she rots in obscurity. -Waughwaughwaugh



Salt Bae, because of the overpriced steaks and the ridiculously low salary that he offers his employees despite the amount of money he makes. The guy literally became famous because of the way he puts salt on food. -Outrageous-Low-4979


Steven Seagal. He is a horrible, abusive, rapist, human trafficking, psychopathic, waste of space human being. -BiigDaddyDellta


Tyra Banks for verbally/emotionally abusing young women on ANTM for years and further exacerbating body image issues and eating disorders. -Mina418



Mike Tyson. It drives me wild how after the “me too” movement this guy is still cheered by men & women. He’s a convicted rapist it’s not speculation! -ceruveal_brooks


My stepmom’s bestie was working a toll bridge out of Chicago years ago and Oprah came through. The bestie excitedly gushed, “Oh! you’re Oprah!” and Oprah repeated back to her in a mocking voice “Oh! You’re Oprah…” and rolled her eyes.

I believe my stepmom on this one too. Boo on Oprah! -my_sobriquet_is_this


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