
20 Ways That People Feel Like They Ruined Their Lives

People make mistakes all the time, it's part of growing up and being alive, but sometimes they really screw up. Some mistakes cost people their lives, some may cost your friends or relationships, while others may cost people their families or their jobs. The only silver lining (if there is one) is that you can learn from said mistakes, and make sure you don't make them again in the future.

Over at r/AskReddit, we found the dumbest mistakes people made that ruined their own lives or the lives of people around them.


Bar fight. Heard a loud commotion for about 30 seconds. Some guy thought this guy was hitting on his date. Suckered punched him. The other guy fell down and clipped the bar. The bar had brass foot rest at the base. Snapped the guys neck so loud you could hear it across the room. u/ApprehensiveVirus125


A guy I met several times around our group of friends back in the days joined Isis. We were all shocked by this news, no one could have predicted that. He literally exploded himself 2 or 3 moth after but no casualties, he was shot by the coalition. u/novatonne055


Dude I know won a 3 million dollar settlement from being hit by a car. Spent it all on heroin and was dead within 3 years. Under 30 years old. u/tupperneep



I'm a lawyer. Another well respected lawyer in my jurisdiction was involved in an absolutely huge property settlement involving dozens upon dozens of deeds, side agreements, financial documents, yada yada yada. The whole lot (presumably involving literally a hundred or so signatures) had been signed off by her client. In the early hours of the morning - having no doubt slaved away for untold hours getting everything ready for the settlement the next day - she must have realised that she had missed getting one signature on one minor document from her client so she faked it. I can see the pressure she was under and how she probably thought "it doesn't matter, my client would have signed it anyway and only didn't because they overlooked it, no one will ever notice". Someone noticed and she went from high paid property lawyer to never being able to practice again, just like that. u/princhester


A previous classmate of mine robbed and shot a taxi driver in the back of the head when he was 14. u/Jasonp27


I had a friend that had a promising career got upset and went into full road rage for a woman who forgot to turn her blinker on and he slightly bumped her back bumper on the freeway causing her to lose control and flipping over and killing the driver and her two daughters. Oddly..it was all caught on his car dash cam and a trucker with his own dash cam that was behind him. He is now doing 40+ years in prison. u/vargo911


A high school friend drove drunk and killed the local doctor of a small town. Last I heard, he was still in prison. u/LaximumEffort


Watched a buddy spend his entire life savings betting on the Paulo Costa Vs Adesanya. I begged him not to do it and he lost his and his wife’s entire 60k nest egg. She left him immediately with the kids and now he lives at his moms house. u/Cmsmks


My sister started doing meth and heroin, she went from super smart to completely dumb. By the age of 19 she was already a felon. No one in the family wants to help her anymore cause each time we tried, either sending her to rehab or tried getting her sober she would just go back to it. Was supposed to go to college but now shes 22 and stays at different peoples houses and begs people for money. Completely cut me and everyone else off from her cause she thinks us trying to help her is us being jealous and not wanting her to be happy in life. u/PersonalDex101



A senior girl from my college pushed another girl she was friends with off a ~30 foot bridge into water as a joke, broke her neck and collarbone and she's permanently in a wheelchair. u/TommyToes96


My daughter's boyfriend, July 4, 2023. Hopped in his car blackout drunk to come see my daughter. DUI and hit & run. He is just about to begin a painful, life-altering process. u/csudebate


The kid in the national guard posting gov't secrets online for internet cred. u/So_spoke_the_wizard


I wound up having to change the number for my first real cell phone, because the previous owner of that number still kept giving it out. Apparently she had just moved, and her old job couldn’t get ahold of her to send her her last check. Her new job couldn’t get ahold of her to get her schedule. Her vet couldn’t get her to pick up her cat. I got calls from her leasing company who needed documentation to secure her apartment. Ever single day was some new way an idiot was messing up her finances, her housing, her job, her pets, her social life… all because she couldn’t remember her new phone number. After a month I finally got fed up and had the number changed. u/statnsfloorbuffer



An old customer got fired from Uber and DD for being slow/arriving with cold food way too often. Comes into my bar the next day with limited edition XO Weeknd sweater + jeans, new apple watch and new iphone all paid cash. Says he took out a payday loan for $10k and doesn't intend to pay it back, he'll just cancel the bank account. His exact words "Who needs credit anyways?". He stopped showing up to the bar after about 3 months - Never saw him again. u/Dudethefood


My lawyer took out a loan forging my signature. He’s doing 15 years in federal prison. I would have given him the $5000. His kid was very sick and I would have gladly helped him out. u/Important_Stroke_myc


in germany, there was a contestant on the show "wetten dass" (translated as 'bet that') a few years ago. in the show, statements about crazy talents and activities were presented by the participants. The contestants bet on things they could do and get a prize if they could actually perform the self-proclaimed tasks/talents. One participant bet that he would be able to jump over moving cars. It went wrong and he was left a paraplegic. u/easyandout



A coworker sent an explicit text to a new Hire using the company comms system. She pretended to be interested and then reported him, with a very long thread as proof. Dude was married, with kids, a supervisor. Now: Divorced, kids hate him, works a low level job. u/Innohurrytodie


Colleague starts out great at new job, gets through probation, then gets out of control drunk at a company party. She makes out with the bosses date and hooks up with another colleague while her husband is there. Fast forward, she's dating this colleague now and their relationship is causing disciplinary measures at work. They decide to double down and sign a new lease together anyways. She then lies about getting poached by a customer to leverage a raise and when it doesn't work she actually has to quit. Her boyfriend then follows suit by not showing up and ghosting the company. Now he's a stay at home step-dad (oh, did I mention she has 3 kids??) after being with this girl for 6 months and they both don't have a job. Kind of a two for one. u/tiffaniac


The numb nut that carved on the Coliseum. u/Massengill4theOrnery



A close friend of my best friend grabbed his eight year old son's new skateboard and took off down a hill in Georgia. Hit a rock, landed on his head and had permanent brain damage. He lived years before he mercifully died. Had to be restrained the whole time because the damage made him erratic and violent. Wear a helmet! u/Figgywithit


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