
19 Things That Were Ruined by One Person, Thanks

It only takes that one annoying person to ruin the fun for everyone. Over at r/AskReddit, we found some stories of the one person who ruined a good thing for the entire group. Don't be that person.


I worked at an office that had casual Fridays. One day a lady came to work on casual Friday in her gym clothes, and management was uptight and appalled by it. Instead of telling her that she couldn’t wear gym clothes to work, they abolished casual Friday for everyone. It makes me mad to this day. u/VolumniaDedlock


My primary school used to do relatively frequent trips to a local zoo, until one boy decided to vault the fence and punch a penguin. u/eighttesticles


At one of my previous workplaces, management played music as a way of promoting good mood. They played all sorts of genres so everyone got a chance to listen to something they liked. One person complained that sometimes they had to listen to music they didn't like, so they stopped playing music altogether. u/Dynasuarez-Wrecks



Joe Liberman killing the public option. We could of had so much better healthcare. u/modestjon


The elementary school I went to let 6th graders go on an overnight trip to a lodge where we could go skiing and snow tubing. My dad volunteered as a parent and was “supervising” by letting me and 5 other girls pile on top of one tube down a steep hill and we all went flying. Two of the girls busted their arms when we all landed in a pile. It looked like a cartoon. Anyway, after that no more sleep overs at the lodge and tale has it 30 years later everyone at the school still blames my dad lol. u/Carol_Pilbasian


Not having to take your shoes off before boarding a plane. Thanks alot, Richard Reid. u/DonRicardo1958


At a previous job, we got full uniforms. Shirts, pants, hats, hoodies, winter coveralls, winter coats, gloves. But we dont get shoes or boots. Turns out a couple of years before I was hired on, they used to give boots. But one guy would take his boots and sell them, then request a replacement, then sell those. He did this about 20 times before anybody caught on because of municipal bureaucracy being slow to notice. When they caught on, they stopped giving out boots to their employees. u/Corgiboom2


The person who apparently choked on a lollipop at my bank and now we don't get lollipops anymore. u/neoprenewedgie


Other firefighters constantly ruin any sort of appreciation restaurants give out. We had a BBQ restaurant that would give a flat 10$ off your meal. If you didn't spend 10$ it was basically free. One guy ruined it on an 8$ order by demanded the 2$ be given to him as well. Had people going in uniform on days they didn't work. Had one guy have a family reunion at a local restaurant then made a big issue they wouldn't give his entire party the discount. I don't understand how out of touch people can be. u/wehrmann_tx



Previous job I had used to be hybrid twice a week. One person, on their hybrid day, decided to slack off work and go out. They got a call from their manager because they were late for a virtual meeting and the manager heard a lot of background noise like they were at the mall or something. Said person eventually admitted they were not home working, got fired, and now everyone had to be in the office 5 days a week. u/Shiekh_Bodi


I'm a contractor and I work in different kinds of plants and mills. In one mill I worked at, we had a gravy job, two hours of easy work, and get paid for twelve hours. Well, one guy decided he was going to charge them for sixteen, and now we get two hours for the job. u/Juggalo12XIII


In the 80s we had this game called British Bulldog, it was fun and a laugh for all involved. Then Barry had to clothesline a skinny kid and collapsed his wind pipe and all of sudden Bulldog got banned and we couldn't choke each other out anymore. u/Mysterious-Slice-591


That one kid in the classroom who can't just leave their phone alone. Now they're all in a box at the front of the class. u/carolathome



That stupid baseball player that took like ten ephedra and died of a heart attack. My mom and I used to take one and clean the whole house! Why can’t people be responsible with their drugs. u/Shaydie


That executive at HP who said, "You know, people love our printers. They are tough and reliable and work for decades. We should make them terrile, break constantly, license the ink, make it all internet-linked so the printer won't even work when the wifi is down." u/Ignorad


The guy who claimed vaccines caused autism has some serious blood on his hands. u/TabularConferta



The guy in Texas (I think?) Who ordered a huge meal for his last meal on death row and refused to eat it. They no longer offer a last meal request because of him. u/seashell_eyes_


Lately, artists who are performing on stage are not having fun anymore.. why? Because One clown threw an object that actually hurt the artist and suddenly it started happening over and over again, along with making more artists reluctant to perform or interact with the crowd...u/sunfilled_flitters


The guy who ruined Halloween for everyone by poisoning and killing his own kid with a pixie stick, now everyone thinks people just hand out poison candy because this AH started a mass panic. I couldn't even eat my candy corn growing up because they were "loose unwrapped candy", as if anyone is tampering with candy corn! Seriously, my parents had such a hard rule against anything not hermetically sealed and it was such a waste of good candy because of all the hype over sickos when it wasn't even a neighbor, but a parent who lied that ruined the whole thing for everybody. u/Old-Gate4237


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