
20 Things People Really Needed an Explanation Of

For all the crap filling up our internet highways and byways these days, at least the world wide web still works to answer pesky little questions we just can't let go of.

These people all found themselves in possession of a perplexing object, and luckily some stranger on the other side of the planet was able to tell them what that thing was and how much they could get for it on eBay.

One day our phones will be able to scan everything and tell us what it is, but until then, posting a question on Quora or Reddit and waiting for a response is basically the best we can do.


What is this weird large barrel looking thing hanging on a wire at local park? A: It is for fire hose competition. Move the barrel back and forth with fire hoses.


Several rolls of this were donated to a thrift store. It doesn’t have any adhesive and is kinda waxy feeling. A: They are thorn guard strips, meant to be mounted inside bicycle tires, between the inside of the tire casing and the innertube. In theory, they help prevent tube punctures, and they do an OK job of it


Tunnel in basement of Pennsylvania rowhouse A: Coal delivery



Found this thing on the beach. It’s solid and smells like seaweed, what is it? A: Codium bursa is a green marine algae of medium size.


Found this while renovating. Any idea? A: That is an artillery round, probably 155. Looks unfired, good that EOD is en route. Do not mess with it.


Some kind of goose bowl (cat for scale) A: It could be a basin/sink bucket.


My dad found this earlier today with his metal detector and has no clue what it is. It’s about 5 cm x 4 cm. What is this thing? A: It is part of a bracelet or belt. It would have had companions, joined by links on all 4 corners.


Weird metal part that comes in a matchbox every once in a while A: A match holder thing for discreetly holding matches. So, it’s an extension for lighting candles.


Heavy mass hanging on transmission cables A: This is an art installation in a Brazilian university. This thing should be a meteor.



Found among my dad’s things. Interesting velvet box with a black object inside A: It’s a pocket handwarmer… An old one too. You light the rod in the middle. It is a piece of coal, you close it up and pop it in your pocket. Blow on it to stoke it up.


Arrived in the mail for me. Small glass tubes with 2 tiny ball bearings in them. Not something I ordered. A: I believe those are rattles that you can put inside of fishing lures so they make noise to attract fish.


What is this drill hammer thing? A: Cutting glass tool.


This is a drainage pond at my local park. What is this structure? A: Overflow drain to a storm drain system/ leech field. Or, it’s an “Outfall” thats designed to allow a certain amount of retention time in that catchment basin before discharge to the storm drain.



Strange metal rose. Embedded in concrete in front of a pub. I have no idea what it’s supposed to represent. A: The pub is called the Wild Roses so the roses represent the name


Found in a box with knitting needles, crochet hooks, and other yarn work tools. The bottom end looks like it would clamp to a pole. A: It holds meat while carving.


This has a hinge on the back that clamps the open end together. What is this? A: A calf weaning ring. Put on the nose of a calf, and it hurts the mama cow, so she doesn’t let the calf feed anymore.



What kind of brooch/pin is this? Given to me by an antiques dealer who was getting rid of it. Made of cheap metal and plastic materials, no markings. A: Obviously it’s a cheap fashion piece, but it’s reminiscent of a chatelaine; a medieval/Victorian brooch or buckle worn with various helpful things dangling from it, eg keys, scissors, knife, etc.


A long spouted metal pouring vessel with etchings and a unscrewable top. What is this thing? A: It’s called a Dallah


got this box it from my grandfather and have no idea what it was used for, airpod for scale A: Looks like a cigarette case



I bought this from a thrift shop, it says “Chateauneuf Du Pape Grand Vin De France”, its about 4 inches long. What could it be? A: It’s a wine-tasting cup.


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