Drastic and Absurd Ways People Are Trying to Save Money
4. “I talked to the owners of the MMA gym I’ve trained at for 11 years, and they cut my monthly membership fee by 30% in exchange for occasionally leading classes as a substitute.” - drunkn_mastr
6. “Been shaving my head at home because barbershop prices have gone up so much since the pandemic.” - Hrekires
7. “I moved in with my mom because there’s literally no where to cut down.” - Same-Entertainer8038
8. “No branded food items (especially cereal, sauces and tins.) No take out or eating out - this includes buying drinks etc, take a bottle/thermos.” - Jebbo87
9. “Eating less meat and more vegetarian meals. Unsubscribed from Disney plus and Amazon, started growing my own green onions and other herbs, and I cut my own hair now.” - Crazylivykid
10. “Road trips for one. I'm driving to the necessary places only. I've been hunting for most of the meat and wouldn't be above getting a road kill tag either and eating that. Planting vegetables, buying fruit bearing trees although they will take a while.” - nsmith0723
11. “If you’re trying to lose weight, consider buying less food to save money. I’ve already lost 9 lbs by eating less calories and going on walks.” - Burrito_Loyalist
12. “Bought a bike instead of buying gas for my car. Glad my work isn't that far from where I live. Now I can never skip leg day.” - Densetsu___
14. “I found r/MealPrepSunday and I only cook once a week. I have healthy, tasty homemade meals ready to go every week. It has significantly improved my quality of life.” - Nudiusterian
15. “Not buying a new car. One I have is all paid off and it works, so...why go spending?” - AgoraiosBum
16. “I got a flatmate. I'd been living in my own place for six years. The transition hasn't been easy, learning to share common space again, well, sucks.” - Evolves_Rapidly
17. “I cut out my daily 7 dollar coffees and I'm not going to do fabric softener. Detergent will make it smell good enough, fabric softener is just pizzazz. I'm trying to do more generic brands for now too. Also trying to keep my gas tank above 3/4 cause paying 20 to top it off is better than 60 to fill all the way.” - AnnieBanannie1004
18. “I got rid of all my subscriptions. Netflix, Amazon, Sirius, Doordash etc. There are ways of entertaining myself without. Like countless hours on Reddit.” - TeazeUrMind
20. “Working more. Switched to only buying family packs of TimTams and only if they're on special.” - VagrancyHD