16 Surprising Jobs Celebrities Took After Quitting The Biz

Gene Hackman went on to coauthor of three novels: Escape From Andersonville, Justice for None, and Wake of the Perdido Star. The two time Academy award–winner now lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, with his wife and two German shepherds.
Lou Reed of the Velvelt Underground worked for his dad’s accounting firm for 2 years as a typist after he left the band.
Chunk from ‘The Goonies’, AKA Jeff Cohen is now an attorney and the founder of Cohen Gardner, LLP.
Billy Berry spent 17 years as the drummer for REM, but he left the band and became a hay farmer in Georgia.
Harrison Ford quit the biz for a while after filming ‘American Graffiti’ and became a carpenter, until he got the role in ‘Star Wars.’
David Faustino, aka Bud Bundy from ‘Married with Children,’ owns a nightclub in LA called Balistyx… which was also the title of his 1992 rap album.
William Hung, the guy who got famous for being really, really bad on ‘American Idol,’ is now a technical crime analyst at the LA County Sheriff’s Dept.
Jonathan Bennett, Lindsey Lohan’s love interest in ‘Mean Girls,’ taught spin classes in Los Angeles for a while before landing the delicious role of the host of ‘Cake Wars.’
Former Olympic skating champ Michelle Kwan is a senior advisor in the US State Department Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.
Dan Lloyd, the little boy from ‘The Shining,’ worked at Walmart and then as a pig farmer before he settled into his job as a science teacher at a community college.
Former Utah Jazz player Adrian Dantley became a part-time crossing guard for a while. He said, “I just did it for the kids. I didn’t want to sit around the house all day.”
Peter Weller, the original RoboCop, now has a Ph.D. in Italian Renaissance art history. You know, because knowledge is more power.