
19 Stupid Ways People Put Themselves In the Hospital

We all make mistakes and sometimes those mistakes put us in the hospital. We twist an ankle or eat some bad fish and then completely ruin our day...or week. At r/AskReddit we found some of the funniest and stupidest reasons people ended up in the hospital. They didn't see it coming.


Turned around on the stairs to call my cat fat and badly sprained my ankle. I thought I had broken it because there was an audible crunch and I felt something pushing up inside my foot (x-rays didn’t show a break). u/Blizzard896


Goofing around in the pig barn at my cousins. Was told to stay out of the pig barn. Sliced open the back of my thigh on a sharp edge of sheet metal. 5 years old screaming my head off in the ER as they stitch up the 4 inch cut. Thankfully just skin and fat, no muscle or tendons involved. u/MNConcerto


Fell into the only prickly pear cactus in a 100 mile radius. u/throwaway_298482



Did a flip off of a table to impress some girls. u/bearded_charmander


When I was in college, I had my mom's home cooked meal that I accidentally left out over night. I tried to eat it anyway. 24 hours of it coming out of both ends and one ER visit later, I realized it, I learned a valuable lesson. u/Low_Departure_5853


I didn’t feel like finding the finger guard for my mandoline. Sliced the tip of my finger off. Got like 4-5 stitches. Never again will I use a mandolin. u/JTAx1995


Dropped my phone on my face. u/SubjectCry9137


Threw a tennis ball in the air, attempted to catch it, and I ended up slipping on wet grass and broke my arm. u/FrancoVFX


Got stuck in the ankle by a porcupine quill. Found out I'm allergic to porcupines!!! Eyes swelled shut, kind of scary. u/Apprehensive_West814



I drank a tall can of hard cider and then did a hot wings challenge. I got home, went to sleep and was woken up at 3am in literal tears with the feeling of a ruptured stomach. Went to the ER, got asked if it was a hazing and was given lidocaine to drink and a shot for nausea. The pain barely subsided but the walked me out anyway, on the way out I asked the nurse “so… that shot was supposed to make me less nauseous?” She said yes and then I threw up all over the bushes just outside the door. Felt a lot better and walked home. u/reditballoon


Broke my jaw a while back from riding an e scooter while drunk(i thought they were for drunk people so they didn’t drive cars). Dumbass. Very ashamed if that one, and needless to say, i have since given up drinking. u/pro_No


In training I was unable to have a bowel movement for around 4 days and I had to hobble to the base clinic because my abdomen hurt so much. Turned out to be appendicitis! u/GooseFan2123


My friend got over his seafood allergy and had a bowl of shrimp. I thought I’d do the same and eat some pistachios. u/Panal-Lleno



Apparently when I was younger, I guess around 5 or 6, I dumped a container of detergent in my eyes. I dont remember it at all but my Mom brings it up everynow and then. u/No-Efficiency3406


Stop. Drop. And roll on a fire ant hill isn't the same as being on fire. It just makes them more angry. u/potato_in_hot_water


I mistook antifungal nail drops as eye drops, and thought for sure I had blinded myself in the left eye. I have serious dry eye syndrome, and can't open my eyes very well without tear drops in the morning. One morning I reached for the tears and mistakenly grabbed a bottle with drops for toenail fungus. The stinging was instant, so I knew I messed up. u/Accomplished_Grab744



Walked through a glasdoor I left open and my dad closed. Ofc it was a sunday and no doctor was avaible expect at the hospital. u/SirLunchALot1993


I put my hand on a stove to see if it was hot. It was. u/canuckbuck2020


Washed one foot in a ceramic sink. Tripped and ripped the sink of the wall. Fell in the ceramic debris and cut my back badly. Saw my spine. This took eight weeks to heal. u/myelrond


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