20 Strange and Unusual Things That These People Like to Collect
Enthusiast and collectors come in all shapes and sizes. The subjects they care about and the things that they collect also widely vary from one person to the next. Some people enjoy collecting more typical or dare I say 'normal' things like model cars or trains, stones, and minerals, or TV show and movie memorabilia.
Then you have the other end of the spectrum, the more bizarre and wackier side of collecting if you will. There is literally nothing too strange or seemingly useless for some people to collect. From zippers to bowlingballs, salt shakers to birdhouses, some people will collect just about anything.
Check out this selection of images that showcase people's collections of the ordinary and the bizarre. Maybe they have a hoarding problem, maybe they are legitimately infatuated with these items but one thing is for sure either way, I don't have the darn room to keep any of it at my place!
“This dude on the construction team I work with collects zipper pulls he finds on the ground. There are 4 more of these cables full.”
“Over the past 15 years, my dad has collected 1,785 bowlingballs and built a giant bowling ball pyramid.”
“My 20+ year collection of Art Deco and commemorative cameras, mostly between 1930 and 1950”
“My grandma’s collection of 544 different cookie cutters that she has been expanding for 50+ years”
“My game collection is finally out of storage! My wife surprised me by building shelves as an anniversary gift today.”