18 Skills That Are Easier To Learn Than You Think
They say, "It's never too late to learn something new," and that's a fact, especially when it comes to these 20 skills from AskReddit that aren't as complicated as they seem.

“Im left handed and and I wanted to learn to write with my right hand it was much easier than I thought and now I can write with it making it look somewhat decent.”

“Hitting the urinal and not on wall, floor, or shoes of the unfortunate person next to you.”
“Crocheting! It looked really difficult to me but I was really pleased how easy it was to pick up. Especially with YouTube tutorials.”
“Flying a small airplane is actually very simple. It's everything else like weather and flight planning, emergency mindfulness, airspace and traffic, and confidence in yourself that gets tricky, but any person with eyeballs and a pulse could fly a plane.”
“Unicycling. It takes just 10-20 minutes a day for 3-10 days. Find a railing you can lean on to start. At some point, you'll be able to let go and ride!”
“Using your off hand skillfully. I worked on this when I owned a woodworking business and it has helped so many times over the years.”
“Working out in the gym. Lots of machines, lots of weights, but almost all of them are easy to use, and the hardest part of going to the gym is going consistently”
“Cooking. Growing up, I was always taught “if you can read you can cook.” Though frankly, that severely overstates how difficult cooking is, considering both the advent of YouTube and the millennia of illiterate housewives making usually palatable and often delicious food. It’s really just trial and error. Oh the first time you tried that recipe it came out burnt? Cook it for less time next time. Even “advanced” cooking skills like coming up with your own recipes are pretty easy. You know how to cook Dish A and Dish B. You wonder if Dish A would taste good with the seasonings from Dish B and grilled instead of baked. You try it, it tastes fine. Congrats on inventing Dish C! Yes, some dishes and cooking techniques are hard, but making edible food? Real easy.” - TerribleAttitude
“Reading Korean phonetically. What the words mean is something else entirely, but with about half an hour of learning you could turn those symbols into sounds; a fraction of Korean is also made up of loanwords so it may actually be additionally helpful.”
“Drawing. People think you have to have inherent talent. You do not. You can learn how to process shape, line, and light differently and put it on paper.”