
20 Signs You Peaked in High School

I had a conversation in a bar with a drinking buddy years ago. The guy kept going on about "the one that got away." How perfect she was and their chemistry together, how natural it was, how he hasn't felt that way about any girl since, yadda yadda. He was feeling pretty sorry for himself and uninterested in meeting anyone else because they could never compare. When I asked how long ago it was that she moved away, he said "8th grade." LMFAO.

Thanks to AskReddit, we've collected 20 of the most sure-fire signs that you or someone you know peaked in high school.


My ex stepmother constantly bragged about being a cheerleader in high school and winning a beauty walk (in a town of like 500 people). She was still bragging about these the last time I saw her. She was in her mid 40s. -jewelsforfools


"It doesn't get better once you grow up" I told a sub teacher at my school that people told me this all the time and she told me the only people that say that are the ones that peaked in high school. I miss her every day. -HoudaRat


Talking about high school in every conversation and gossips like a high schooler. -southwest_southwest



Anyone who bullies other adults as if they were still in high school. -pkeit32


I had a conversation in a bar with a drinking buddy years ago. The guy kept going on about "the one that got away." How perfect she was and their chemistry together, how natural it was, how he hasn't felt that way about any girl since, yadda yadda. He was feeling pretty sorry for himself and uninterested in meeting anyone else because they could never compare. When I asked how long ago it was that she moved away, he said "8th grade." LMFAO. -dickbaggery


They still brag about their High School GPA. -SinisterYear


I used to work with a guy, we used to call him roid rage. He was very muscular, very masculine, and let everybody know both those things about him constantly. One day I'm sitting next to him in the break room and he's talking to me, unprompted as always, about how he went to attend an award ceremony for his son who won something regarding his football performance. I said "Well that was nice of you to go and support him."

"Nice?" He said. "It was f*cking sad man. That used to be me. Now I'm the old guy in the room who has to watch someone else win something I should have had" and all I could think was what a loser, you can't just be happy your son won this award and be proud of him. You have to make it about you. -gamercboy5


Under "College/University" in their Facebook profile, it says "School of Hard Knocks." -doctor-rumack


Bragging about high-school hookups in their thirties. -SuvenPan



Still acting like a typical "Mean Girl" when they're damn near (or past) 30. -cpsg1995


If they are in their 30s - 40s and they wear their letter jacket outside of things like high school reunions where it's only barely appropriate. -SinisterYear


"Hey girl hey! Do you wanna be your own boss babe while working from home?!" and its just a pyramid scheme. -Tyler_origami94


Regularly reposting the same picture of the one notable moment that they had in high school. -MissingDarts



Almost 10 years after high school a guy asked me if one of my friends "was popular in high school". -satirevaitneics


When you're 50 years old and you still talk about all the parties you went to in high school. -thatuser451


They want to organize high school reunions every 5 years. -Pesto57



Taking rec league softball way too seriously. -namnle


They keep insisting for the next 30 years that they would have taken state if coach would have put them in the game. -stumpdawg


One guy I knew literally got our school emblem and mascot in a huge "CLASS OF 2010" tattooed on his shoulder. -Empowered_Jackfruit



Still going to every high school football game and sitting in the student section. -larryapparently


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