20 'Rules' No One Really Has to Follow
These realizations come from people who saw that abiding by societal norms doesn't always make us happy, and sometimes those norms aren't even good once you take a second look at them.
What's one controversial opinion you believe strongly but that others would frown upon?
“Disappointing your parents or friends by your life decisions. Usually, they come around in time when they see what you chose is what makes you happy and that is what they really wanted in the end anyway. It can be an uncomfortable wait until that time comes, but it is shorter and feels better than a lifetime of regret.”
“Gaming for a couple hours straight. If you enjoy doing it and don’t neglect your life there really is no difference between binge-watching something or reading a book.”
“Failure. ‘Good decisions come from experience. But Experience comes from bad decisions. This is life So, Never regret. Learn from mistakes and go ahead.’ – Mark Twain.”
“Curious children. That’s like… the best thing for a child to be because they want to learn the facts and form their own opinions, but parents act as if they’re like inappropriate or annoying.”
“Disliking your family. If your family always have been a bunch of assholes to you, what is the sense of even having respect for them?”
“Breakups. Sometimes it’s better to end things instead of trying to hold a failing relationship together.”
“The stigma behind talking about your pay with fellow coworkers. In the states, it is legal, by talking about your wages you help ensure you and co-workers are being paid fairly.”
“Breaking tradition. It’s important to question why we do things and not just go along with it “because it’s been like that for years.”