
20 Rare Facts and Findings You Probably Never Heard Of

With the amount of facts, and therefore fact lists out there, there are quite a few you wind up seeing over and over again. "New" facts that really are not new, and that you've seen before. But these facts aren't like that. They are hand picked for their obscurity from AskReddit. Check out more obscure facts.


Obscure Facts - military dolphins - 12

The nuke stockpile in Washington State is guarded by trained dolphins that seek out and clamp a balloon on unfamiliar divers.


Obscure Facts - human brain transparent background

Cultured bits of brain matter always try to grow an eye.


Obscure Facts - cartoon - mooo.... ?? careclues

Boanthropy is a psychological disorder in which a person believes they are a cow and tries to live their life as one. Medical explanations suggest late-stage syphilis as one of the causes.



If humming birds don’t eat within an hour they might die from starvation, they feed from nectar every 15-20 minutes. The only exception to the rule is that at night, they get into a state called torpor which is similar to the way bears hibernate. They do this every night, they lower their body temperature, their heart rate goes down from like 1200 beats per minute to less than a 100 and they shut down their kidneys so they don’t die from dehydration.


Rabies kills around 60,000 people globally every year. To date, only 14 people worldwide have been known to recover after developing symptoms.


Your immune system doesn’t know your eyes exist. They have immune privilege to avoid inflammation in case of trauma.


More pigeons have war medals than horses, dogs or mules.


I don't think most people know the meaning of "prodigal." They know the parable of The Prodigal Son and think it refers to someone that leaves and then has to come crawling back, but that's incorrect. "Prodigal" means to spend money lavishly or wastefully. The prodigal son was prodigal whether or not he ever went back to his father.


The girl who voiced Lilo in Lilo and Stitch also played Samara in The Ring, both released in the same year (2002).



Crabs commit suicide when gravely injured by pinching their own brains.


The same computer software used for the CGI in “Jurassic Park” was used to make the sprites for “Donkey Kong” country.


Before being born, two of the four chambers of a baby's heart are not used, they're actually bypassed! There's no need to pump deoxygenated blood to the lungs when in the womb, because the lungs aren't breathing air yet, and so are not supplying oxygen. All the oxygen comes from the umbilical cord.


Greater one-horned rhino or Great Indian rhinoceros population stands at around 3,700 individuals, a significant increase from around 200 remaining at the turn of the 20th century.



Raindrops don’t fall in the drip shape popularly conveyed. They fall in the shape of tiny parachutes or hamburger buns.


The Dutch national color is Orange but the flag is red white and blue stripes only because the dye they used for orange faded fast at sea, while red did not.


Pill bugs are crustaceans, like crabs or lobsters, that’s why they are always in the dampest places.



The moon has an atmosphere. However, it is so thin that it's considered to be an exosphere.


They increased the rank of pigeons during WW1 so they could punish soldiers for eating a fellow soldier of higher rank. Can't have the soldiers eating the carrier pigeons!


There was a man, Angus Barbieri who didn't eat for 382 days. He was morbidly obese and lived on tea, water, soda water and coffee while visiting the hospital weekly for vitamin and electrolyte treatments. He lost close to 280 lbs and broke his fast with an egg once he met his goal weight.



A quarter has 119 ridges. 118 on a dime.


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