
20 People Who Are An 'Idiot That Gets Treated Like a Genius'

The world of celebrities and famous people can be a wild one at times.  For some reason or another just because a person has a following, they are often held in some sort of high regard or seen as a very intellectual person. In this list, we have a collection of responses from people who answered the question "Who’s an idiot that gets treated like a genius?" and while some of the answers are quite obvious, you may be surprised by some.

So get ready to laugh or perhaps be trigged by this batch of folks who have a cult-like following but aren't really all that.

1. Dov Charney

I started watching a documentary about American Apparel founder Dov Charney, who's a pretty gross dude. It interviews a bunch of American Apparel's early employees who talked about the abusive work conditions but praised Charney as a genius and an incredible motivator. Then they'd cut to interviews with Charney and he was EXACTLY like Bobby Hill's boss from that one episode of King of the Hill. -LordPizzaParty

2. Oprah Winfrey

Oprah, she's actually quite rude out of character / to staffers. -DomesticGlobeTrotter


Mark Zuckerberg. Stole an idea. Hired a great COO Sheryl Sandberg. Rode it to riches. Losing money ever since she left. -Ozonewanderer


4. Andy Warhol

Truman Capote called Andy Warhol “The only genius with an IQ of 80”. -msnarf28

5. Dr Phil

Easy one: Dr. Phil. Every Doctor Phil episode: "ya need tuh get off the drugs, go back tuh school, an get yer degree!" audience goes wild. -MindfulWonderer

6. Russel Brand

Russel Brand. He is always trying to sound profound but it’s so obvious that he just doesn’t have the brain power to say anything meaningful. -FlamingoPepsi

7. Gary Vee

Gary Vee, the youth pastor of capitalisim. All this dude does is tell you want you want to hear without outright saying it, and says things for the sake of generating social media engagement instead of well thought out and heartfelt advice. -Shadow_Strike99

8. L. Ron Hubbard

Ron Hubbard (founder of Scientology). I waffle on this myself if I'm honest. Sometimes I think he's a genius who made a cult for profit. Other times I think he's an imbecile who decided to keep riding the wave he accidentally started. -Fabled_webs

9. Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong

Marjorie Diehl-Armstrong. 'Mastermind' behind the pizza bombing. Documentaries keep painting her as some master manipulator, but then follow it by saying she can't keep any lie straight for any length of time. The moron tried to rob a bank for the exact amount of money she needed, without having any idea how much they actually kept on hand. (HINT: It was only like 3% of the $250000)The idiot literally turned what would have been an 8500-dollar robbery into a murder charge. - spart981


10. Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin. Hasn't done a single thing right for years and turned himself into a paranoid bunker dictator. For some reason there are still a lot of people idolizing him. -DinksterDaily

11. Elon Musk

I expected Elon to be on top. He will be disappointed if he sees this thread. -DonutsOnTheWall

12. Kanye West

Kanye West - OneLastTHrowAway

13. Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson. He talks how dumb people think smart people talk. -WizardWatson9


14. Simon Cowell

Simon Cowell. Ironically, he spends so much of his time seeking "talent" when he has very little himself. While he knows the music industry, his father got him the job that brought him into it at EMI. Even left that job only to come back when he couldn't make it on his own. He was also stupid enough to believe that a cosmetic surgeon could make him not look like he's over 60 when, in reality, he's now morphing into a Bo Selecta caricature of himself. -GreyFoxNinjaFan

15. Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate. -NefinDaHouse

16. Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins, If I was six foot four with a booming voice, teeth like bathroom tile and total utter self-confidence I could make money giving speeches too. -TennesseeStifffLegs


17. Donald Trump

Donald Trump. -AnUnstableNucleus

18. DJ Khaled

Dj khaled, although aside from himself, no one considers him a genius. "We Da Best Music" fml. -Barbosse007

19. Neil Degrasse Tyson

Neil Degrasse Tyson is certainly smarter than me, but he says a lot of dumb stuff. Tyson is the Elon Musk of Carl Sagans. -LurkersGoneLurk


20. Joe Rogan

Joe Rogan. He admits he doesn't know anything about a lot of topics, but he'll bring pseudo-experts onto his show to talk about a subject that they allegedly know a lot about; even if they're diving straight into fantasyland viewpoints. -Nikiaf


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