20 Days That Got Completely Ruined
Sometimes life just decides to sock you right in the family jewels. Our universe is a merciless and unforgiving place. Some days are so bad for such... random reasons... that they make you wonder if the universe is sentient. That it's a person -- and kind of a d*ck.
“Made two of these bad boys, was basically finished with the first before I realized I was eating mold.”
“Used ramps to change oil for the first time… while backing up, the ramps slid/shot out and hit the 5qt used oil container and painted my garage a new color.”
“Broke my finger at work, got fired after the drug test. All at the end of a 12 hour night shift.”
“New hobby= new broken bones. 30 seconds after putting on roller blades resulted in 2 broken wrists!”
“A wasp flew into my helmet while I was riding my motorcycle and gave me a piece of its mind.”
“My gf is from a small town that doesn’t get a lot of nice things. A couple of hours after the town welcomed this mural, this happened.”
“Brand New $1300 set of golf clubs I bought as a birthday present to myself. On my very first swing (club head is somewhere in the pond)”