
20 People Share Their Roommate Horror Stories

If you've ever lived in a house with strangers, then you know things can get out of hand. People over at r/AskReddit were reminiscing about the worst roommates they've ever had. It's not easy living with people who want to rob, kill and do drugs all day, but these people did it.


Roommate Horror Stories - Dude would jerk off at night... we had decided to bunk bed it so we'd save more room and I was on top bunk so you can work out how I found out about him choking the bishop. Bear in mind, I was on a year abroad placement scheme i

Dude would jerk off at night... we had decided to bunk bed it so we'd save more room and I was on top bunk so you can work out how I found out about him choking the bishop. Bear in mind, I was on a year abroad placement scheme in Virginia coming from the UK where we typically have our own private rooms.... u/peartisgod


Roommate Horror Stories - smoking in bed

Dude kept falling asleep while smoking cigarettes. I got mad every time and woke him up. He bought me a fire extinguisher at a yard sale one day. He thought it was best joke ever. He fell asleep on night on the couch. Cigarettes rolled off on to the carpet. Carpet caught fire, couch caught fire, his shirt catches fire. He never woke up. I woke up, having smelled it. Grabbed his gag gift and put it all out. His shirt and hair were GONE. He was okay. Never even went to the hospital, but he absolutely would have died of I hadn't been there and had that fire extinguisher beside my bed. I moved immediately. u/1lazylady


Roommate Horror Stories -

He got drunk with the neighbors then accused them of stealing his cellphone. Then he slashed their tires. I woke up to the neighbors banging on my door with guns but the little shit had already left. His cellphone was in between some couch cushions in my house btw. u/ATXKLIPHURD



You know Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory ? Exactly like that guy but no where near as smart, but condescending, insulting, with boundary issues. Was there for two months and had to get out, or would have ended up with assault charges. u/SoloPogo


I called to ask if he had his half of the rent and he informed me that he was on I95, headed back to his hometown of Virginia. Dude cleared his shit out of the apartment and dipped with no warning. u/Mindofmierda90


Shared a quad in college with a girl named Monica. She was fine in the beginning but then began doing things like hiding the toilet paper, trying to limit how much time we spent in the shared living room, allowed a homeless man to sleep on the sofa and hoarded cutlery. She decided she wanted to be a vampire and had her teeth filed into points.. at the end of the year we started referring to her as “Demonica “. u/goodgirlgonebad75


Dude killed my pet rabbit because he was jealous of the time I spent with it. Needless to say he stopped being my roommate that day. u/huiscloslaqueue


She poisoned my food. She started out with "harmless" pranks like putting salt in my jello before it set. Then she put bleach in my pasta water like I wouldn't fucking smell bleach noodles. She would steal my underwear, wear them during that time of the month, and put them back in my underwear drawer unwashed. I spent YEARS fucked up. Being afraid of food and people. I already had a bad relationship with food because of my mom. This made it so I wouldn't eat at restaurants, or my friends' food they cooked to share, or eat anything that wasn't in a tightly sealed package. u/Nuttonbutton


I lived in a house with a guy who let his friend hide from the cops in our basement. The friend had shot and killed 2 people in a robbery. u/MikeNoble91



First night in the new shared apartment I was renting, my landlord slept on the floor in my living room on a rug. I thought that was weird but I was not in a position to argue, as I really needed a place to live. Then, over the next couple of months, my landlord moved in and brought over 8 family members from Turkmenistan, including a newborn baby, and they all lived in 2 bedrooms (and by bedrooms I mean one was the living room!!). When I complained, they locked me out of the apartment. I called the police who let me in and scolded the family. It was a nightmare. I finally got out of there and never looked back. u/LauraPa1mer


He played Leage of Legends all night. If the game didn't go his way he would scream in frustration and beat his fists on his desk, no matter what time of the night it was. It was difficult to get a full night's sleep with him roaring and pounding every few hours. He would also eat at his desk and broke several of the dishes I had bought for the apartment during his little tantrums. It gets worse though! Eventually he decided that he needed to be more alert during his marathon gaming sessions. Most people would invest in coffee or energy drinks, but no, he decided he needed to buy meth. He told us he was "too smart to get addicted", but at that point I decided I'd had enough and noped on out. I took what remained of my dishes with me. u/Polyphemus117


A guy who lied about his job, never went to whatever it was, and regularly got up during the early hours to randomly scream at the top of his lungs and bang all the walls, the floor and ceiling in his room to ensure it woke everyone up. Hated the dude for this, and hated the fact he used my car as a bench when he went out to smoke. Would roll his eyes at me when I politely asked him to not sit on my car. u/DarkGinnel


This crazy, entitled, hypocritical spoiled brat of a person I was assigned in a college apartment. Everything was fine until I offered to buy a wireless router for all three of us to share. She agreed to split the cost, but then when it came out to $20 each she threw a huge fit. She refused to pay, so I refused to give her the password. She got in my face and screamed at me, but I didn’t flinch (I’m a foot taller than her and I had just gotten out of the Army lol). Then she took all of her stuff out of the common areas. Whatever. u/dibbiluncan



He decided he wanted to invite some folks over and do shrooms for the first time. I wasn't a fan of a lot of people over but it was 4 ladies and I wasn't about to ruin a fun night for him. I was already with someone so I planned on just staying in my room and checking in on everyone from time to time. Well at some point I started hearing some wild ass sounds. I go into the living room and they had taken everything that was a circle and tossed it into a pile. Everything. I'm talking round fruits, pots and pans, lids to tubberware, all 100+ dvds I had, you name it. The amount of stuff that was broken sent me into one of those rages where you go from red to just gray. I went and stayed at my girlfriends place. The next day I get home and they were all fully naked asleep on the kitchen floor. u/Snoo60660


My cousin and her family. They were DIRTY! Couldn’t walk in your socks on the carpet because your feet would stick to the carpet cause of all the spilled soda and beer that she never cleaned up. Her kids had lice so bad that one day I looked at the oldest girls hair and you could see the lice running around in her hair. I lived with them for three months but moved out after I saw those lice. u/m_nieto


A lot worse things could happen, but the guy left dirty pots and dishes in the sink for days until a whole ecosystem of fruit flies and whatever else would develop. I usually resorted to cleaning it up myself. u/Spectremax



Where do I even start? She hated spiders, and bugs so I was never allowed the window open. She also couldn't sleep without the night light on but refused to have the bedroom door left open. She hoarded too. So in heatwaves and the peak of summer I had no fresh air from outside, no air circulating from the rest of the house and a stuffy lit up room to try and sleep in.... And I wasn't allowed to complain about it because you'd never win an argument with her.... It was my sister. u/SPACE—COWGIRL


Right wing racist flat earther that doesn't believe in germs is regularly late for paying rent, doesn't properly wash dishes to the point we had to separate ours, and is now bringing around a 19 year old despite being solidly 40+ himself. u/TisIFrienchiestFry


Roommate broke into my room and pawned off a bunch of my possessions - sunglasses, bags, clothing... at the time I was working for a fashion house as their in-house IT/webstore developer and it was kind of important to dress well. And he took it as a sign that I had a lot of money and stole stuff from me to sell on eBay, Craigslist, Marketplace, etc etc. I also got a $2500 quarterly stipend from the company to buy other luxury goods to make myself look presentable for fashion shows and whatnot...u/coversbyrichard



He got a cat from a friend. Never spayed the cat. Cat got pregnant and had two kittens. Then he got a big dog. Still hadn’t gotten the cat spayed. Cat had three more kittens. When the kittens were still nursing, he packed up his stuff to move up north and left all seven animals behind. u/eightdollarbeer


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