20 Random Facts That Will Open Your Eyes Quite Wide
The Internet is full of awesome facts that isn't really important to us but is still cool AF. Here are a few such facts.
The Internet is full of awesome facts that aren't really important to us but are still interesting, incredible, and sometimes infuriating. The world is truly an incredible place and the vast diversity of people, landscapes, animals, and climates make for some fascinating info about this planet we call home.
"Did you know, if you took out all of the space in our atoms, the entire human race would fit into the volume of a sugar cube?"
"Technically, being president is the deadliest job in America with 4 out 46 being assassinated, that's 11.5%"
"The hottest desert in the world is the Lut Desert in Iran, with record temperatures of 160F (70+C)"
"The only difference between pronouncing an 's' sound or a 'z' sound (American English) is whether or not you vibrate your vocal chords."