
20 Times People Realized They're Old Now

These are painfully accurate.

As a kid, I always felt so disconnected from "old" people, and to be totally honest, even as an adult, I just don't feel like I'm the kind of grown-up I grew up watching. I still feel like I'm just a kid - until I catch myself spending 2 whole hours comparing two different vacuum cleaners I'm debating between buying. That's when I realize, "Damn, I really am old now."


property tax - Tax Property 1.

“The moment my friends and I came to and realized that we were having a very dry conversation about property taxes.”


gray eyebrow hair

“The day when my eyebrow lady told me I had a grey eyebrow hair.”


weather forecast - Future 4CAST Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sizzling Showers Showers 81 75 83 91 86 82 76 55 54 6271 64 60 4 Local

“When I shushed someone to hear the weather forecast.”



sleeping in the office meme

“When I was in high school and into my early twenties, I used to pull all-nighters all the time and be fine. I’d get a little jumpy by the twenty-third hour but whatever. I tried it again when I turned thirty and I was useless, loopy, and uncoordinated.”


“I work elections where I live, and we have to ask for peoples’ birthdates. I realized I was getting old this year because of all the kids who were born in 2000 and after who came in to vote.”


“When I watched the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards and for the first time ever I had basically no idea who any of the nominees were.”


“One night when the kids had gone to sleep I excitedly told my husband that we could put our pajamas on, pop on a movie, and chill on the sofa. Wild night of sex? Nope!”


“The moment my son, Rufus, had a friend come over and that child began their interaction with me by saying ‘Rufus’s mum’.”


“On a night out to a busy nightclub I was trying to get up the stairs to use the toilet and it was so crowded. I proceeded to complain to security that it was a fire hazard.”



“I was watching a football game a couple of years ago and realized that most of the players were younger than me.”


“I knew I was getting old when around 9pm at my own party I wanted everyone to go home so I could go to sleep.”


“When I realized that I would be retired before my co-worker’s kids hit middle school.”


“One morning I stretched my arms up above my head and somehow I threw my neck out.”



“When I sit in my car outside the grocery store at 6:58am waiting for it to open at 7am.”


“I was watching The Price Is Right and wanted the washer/dryer, TV, and bedroom set more than I wanted the car.”


“When I saw my favorite childhood toy in a museum.”



“I was sat in my room at 8pm on a Saturday night drinking tea and knitting a scarf for my cat to cover the bald spot on his neck from a vet appointment.”


“In a job interview I was asked what my hobbies were. I sat there for a minute thinking of my past times which include gardening, difficult jigsaw puzzles, sudoku, baking, and staying in on Friday and Saturday nights to be with my dogs.”


“When I saw girls on a night out in winter with bare legs and no coat and felt concerned about how cold they must be.”



“When I walked into a bar to pick up a food order and was immediately blown away by how loud it was.”

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