
20 Kinks That Make Us Want to Kink Shame

People get into all sorts of weird sex stuff. Over at r/AskReddit we found that some people can't tolerate the weird stuff that other people are into. It's not a matter of kink-shaming but just kink curiosity. It's wild the things people want from their sexual partners.


Climacophilia getting aroused from seeing someone fall down stairs. u/thomaxzer


Crush fetish. There are so many things wrong here, not the least of which is the harm you're doing. Get counseling. u/fuzzzone


People with a humiliation fetish. Because they should be ashamed. Those disgusting,dirty little perverts. u/Incontinentiabutts



Any kink I am exposed to in public or in a place where I could reasonably expect to not to be exposed to a kink. u/ioftd


Scat fetish that shit is not okay. u/Siege_Of_Doom


I heard of a dude who spent $44B on some social media site just so people would make fun of him more. Normally I wouldn’t care but that’s pretty extreme if you just want people to degrade you online. u/KaiOnTheInternet


Weighted underwater autoerotic asphyxiation is a pretty interesting one. u/no-trace


Anybody else read that post about the woman whose feelings we're hurt because her husband wasn't invited to her sister's wedding because he has a kink of peeing his pants in public? u/i_GoTtA_gOoD_bRaIn


There is a kink that is nails. I mean metal nails. Like ingesting rubbing everything you could do with it is this kink u/Either-Leave24



Adult diapers for sex play makes my skin crawl. Why would Charles at 38 dress up as a baby? It’s so wrong and got some creepy undertones to it imo. u/LesserThanProfessor


I called someone out for getting off on jizzing on their families food before he served it to them. He confessed to doing it on a regular basis and after he’d gotten off, he would get off again after they’d eaten. u/kieronj6241


I think it's called feederism...? You make your partner overweight because it's the only way you'll get off... being fat is not healthy and never will be. Something about being overweight just bothers me. u/MetroLynx7


Furrys u/Blackdragon3044



Cutting. There's a lot of things I won't blame another person for enjoying, but opening the skin is a massive risk, and doing it repeatedly and often is never safe. Even medical professionals cut the skin open as little as possible because of the massive risks involved. Doing that as an amateur with little or no medical training, sometime minimal prior sanitation and little to no immediate aftercare? u/lugialegend233


Shoving weird things up your ass, such as wine bottles, action figures, dog toys etc. Those are often the people (usually men) that come in the OR at 3 in the morning and it's just so annoying to have to get up for that. And of course they all slipped and fell or had some other kind of freak accident. u/Fox_Macabre


The Daddy/Brat thing. I just don't get it. You're a grown woman that wants to be treated like a child. I didn't spend all of childhood becoming an adult just to be with a woman child. u/JBax75



Cucking I can’t get behind any cheating or disloyalty even if “approved” by the spouse I’m sorry it makes me convulse that people do it. u/TheTurtleGeek


My sisters old boyfriend wanted her to throw up on him. I'll kinkshame that any day. Gross. u/HeleneVH88


The one where a man wants to have sex with cartoon ponies u/librarygal22



findom. Literally just taking money from vulnerable people until you are bankrupt. A fetish should not inhibit someone's functioning in society. u/WhenWillIBelong


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