20 Killer Websites To Make Life Better

Collection of websites for when you want to tune up you life and/or that brain of yours.


writecheck.com - Check your writing for plagiarism, proper grammar, and proper sources. Before you submit your work, make sure it is 100% correct.


myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/ - Have you ever seen a font and wanted to know what it was? Yearn no more. After you upload an image to this site, it will analyze the typefaces and give you the font, as well as similar fonts. Most of the time it's pretty accurate. Looking for fonts on the go? They have an app too!


nophonetrees.com/ - Skip the phone trees and talk to a real person when you call a 1-800 number. Simply enter the business you are trying to reach, and the site does the rest. Call the number it gives you, and follow the steps on the screen. You will be talking to a real person in no time.



mathway.com - Mathway solves math problems for you: Geometry, algebra, complex chemical equations, etc. This site won't show you its work, but it's a time saver nonetheless.


nerdfitness.com - These workouts have a geeky vibe to them and prove the title true: It's fitness for nerds.


10minutemail.com - For those times when you need a quick email-confirmation to download something but don't want to be bombarded with spam every day, check out 10-Minute Mail. This website provides you with an email address that lasts for ten minutes (long enough to get a confirmation), then the address self-destructs. Don't worry, if you need more time, just click the "Ten More Minutes" button.


shouldiremoveit.com - Should I remove It? Find out which programs you should or shouldn't remove from your computer.


colorhexa.com - This website is your go-to resource for color codes. Find color palettes with color wheels and many other resources.


freecycle.org - The Freecycle Network is made up of 5,173 groups with 8,153,996 members around the world who keep landfills less full by giving and getting each other's stuff for free. It's like Craigslist, only completely free. Browse through the groups to see if there is anything you could use or want.



cliffsnotes.com - This website is aimed at high school and college students and provides users with book summaries, study guides, and test prep manuals. Because who are we kidding? Nobody actually reads these days.


khanacademy.org - If you want to pick up a subject that you don't know much about, this is your go-to resource. They have everything from math to science. They even have progress bars that show you how much you've learned and how far you have to go.


timeanddate.com - The Date-to-Date Calculator does just what it sounds like. You put in two dates and it will calculate the time between them. Choose between days, months, or years.


ctrlq.org/screenshots - Enter the URL of any webpage, and the screen-capture tool will generate a high-resolution, PNG screenshot of the full webpage, which you can then download.



spreeder.com - Many of us can't speed read, but the good thing is that it can be taught, and Spreeder will do just that.


couchsurfing.org/ - When you just need a place to crash but don't want to shell out exorbitant amounts of cash for a hotel, use couchsurfing.org.


downforeveryoneorjustme.com - This website will tell you if a website is down for just you or if it is down for everyone. This is a great resource if you are experiencing networking issues.



bugmenot.com - Instead of creating new logins to every website you visit, use BugMeNot's thousands of shared logins. Simply enter your url, and you are off.


cookingforengineers.com - Don't know how to cook? Let this website school you on the analytical points of the culinary arts.


ventrixbooks.com - Sell your used textbooks just in time for the holidays. Enter the information requested, and within a day you will have a personalized quote. While they are a small startup company, they pay more than most bookstores and other online book buyers.



duolingo.com - Duolingo is a website that teaches you different languages and a free alternative to the incredibly pricey Rosetta Stone. Learn at your own pace--it is great for killing some time while trying to be somewhat productive.


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