34 Fascinating Things You Most Certainly Don't See Every Day
Odd and interesting images to pique your curiosity. If this doesn't work there's always blowing stuff in a microwave.

Odd and interesting pictures to pique your curiosity. When every day starts to feel the same and the daily grind becomes too much, some cool pics can be just the thing your tired spirit needs to feel energized again. Or if you're looking for something more stimulating, here are some fascinating facts to feed your brain.

This restaurant has an angled mirror over the chefs so you can see an overhead view of the chefs and bakers.
“My dad has had the same wallet for so long his driver’s license photo is imprinted on the plastic.”
“My girlfriend’s signet ring that belonged to her great-great-grandmother. You can see how it’s always been worn on the pinky of the left hand, because of how the gold on the inside is worn.”
This pencil was stuck in a flower pot for a year. The outer wood was eaten away by dirt, leaving just the graphite.