20 Interesting Comparisons of Things Over Time
The gradual change in season, or the wearing down of a postal worker's hat, show us entropy in motion.
Things are in a constant state of wear and tear and change, as we can see in literally everything around us. Even our own bodies go through this process as we age, and so does the world around us. So get ready to see things, not just as they are, but how they soon will be.
"The wear on a LEGO brick I've been using as a key hanger for a few years, compared to a new one."
"My mom found a cute rug at the store. Brought it home and it was the same one she had before!"
"Wasn't surprised to find out that most phones are dirtier than toilet seats. This is only 7 months old."
"Got the keychain on the left in 2010 in Paris. Girlfriend gave me a present early today and I was shocked!"