
20 High School Incidents That People Will Never Forget

Every school has those wild students that act out or a senior prank that went wrong. 

Those incidents are things that people will remember forever as one of the most bonkers moments in their high school career. 

Over at r/AskReddit, we found out what the craziest "incident" was at people's high school that they will never forget.


There was a “poop-a-traitor” leaving smeared faeces around the walls in the bathroom. I found one and I’ll never forget, it was picture was of a flower and sun, drawn in poop. There were several incidents before the person was caught “brown handed” and several jokes about “code browns” u/Electronic_Sugar_289


Senior prank, someone dumped a few hundred pounds of flour and yeast into the school indoor pool, in hopes of turning it into a giant glob of dough (I guess). It didn’t work, just caused about 100K damage to plumbing, pumps, filters, etc. Prankster never caught. u/Sea_Ganache620


In high school Two kids both named Logan. Both last names were very similar. One was popular and the other was not. Unpopular Logan was drunk and ran across a road in the middle of the night and was killed by a semi-truck. The next day the principal announced that popular Logan had died. Popular Logan was late for school. Everyone was very sad. Then popular Logan showed up and all school rejoiced that unpopular Logan was the one who died. Was fucked up. u/AggressiveSmoke4054



My highschool went on lockdown because my mother was going through a manic episode, thought I was the second coming of Jesus, and said she was going to save me. u/AsemiAquaaticBird


a girl had an epilepsy attack and she lost control of her bowels. Not a pretty sight. Mean girls type made fun of her, and she transferred to another high school. u/StuntCockofGilead


My high school had a riot and there was and still is a picture of my principal choking a student. u/NomadFourFive


Married male teacher in his late-30s having an affair with a senior female student. Fairly ordinary. They didn’t hide it though, we used to see them smooching all the time. Rumour says he lost his job over it and then followed her to another city when she left for university. She then dumped him for a boy her own age. u/Eloisem333


A kid came to school with a machete and tree saw and slashed 7 students the day before Thanksgiving break. u/usfgirl1020


Someone sprayed Butyric Acid throughout the entire school. In high concentrations, it smells like pure vomit. School reeked for weeks. Police were involved etc. No culprit was ever found. u/BazookoTheClown



my school at one point decided to crack down on anyone who had ever connected to the TOR Network from the school wifi (including on personal devices). Over the course of a day or two, around 200 students were informed that they were banned from using all electronic devices (including those required for class work) while in school for a semester. I remember walking into a programming class and the teacher asking anyone who still had computer access to raise their hand. None did. u/Sitting_In_A_Lecture


One of our japanese teachers got stabbed in the back by a South Korean exchange student. Apparently he'd said some pretty insensitive things about North vs South Korea and the next day the student came to school with a knife. Teacher was ok. Kid was jailed for 18 months. u/Games_Franco


My school has a kid nicknamed the “Study hall stroker”. Self explanatory. u/Kaiden608


Someone brought their capybara to school and it ended up becoming class president. u/Europa_Gains



One of the best students from this one class was found to have stolen his teacher's smartphone and online banking details. He got caught when he did the first transaction. He apparently was into football and wanted to buy some specific football boots but his parents won't let him. u/YouCanDoThings


A group of kids threw a desk out the 3rd story window. The desk crashed onto a girl's head and broke her neck. Fortunately she lived. u/siorys88


Someone went into the bathroom, lit a cigarette, and stuck the fuse from a quarterstick/m80 in the other end. Destroyed one toilet and a section of the wall. State police bomb squad called in. Explosive trained dogs. Even FBI. I know who did it. It was one of the 'pretty people' as they were called back then. He even kinda confirmed it while drunk at our 30th reunion.u/NonsenselmFine



The teacher who looked so much like a 70s pornstar, did turn out to have made porn in the 70s. u/HMarxen


One of the science teachers thought having a class project around creating mini rockets would be a fun little activity. Well unfortunately he didn’t notify the school where or when they were going to test these. So the school goes into lockdown because of the explosions. Him and his class get locked out of the school. Or at least that’s what I’ve been told. Wasn’t actually in that class. u/Transdevil23459


There was a suitcase that was left unattended across the street from the school, just standing upright on the sidewalk. It had been there for hours and so the principal freaked out because she thought it was a bomb, so the bomb squad arrived followed by twenty million cop cars while the students went on lockdown. Turns out some dude genuinely just forgot his suitcase on accident (maybe he was carrying a bunch of stuff or was in a rush?) and all of that was for nothing. Memes were made about it and were being uploaded to the unofficial school instagram DURING the lockdown. u/suspiciouseyeballs

Categories: Wtf People & Lifestyle

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