
20 Helpful and Useful Things Your Phone Can Do

Our cell phones can do a lot more than just take pictures, make calls, and send texts, that's why they're so smart. Over at r/AskReddit we found some cool things that our phones could do that we didn't think was possible. 


You can use the translate app with your camera to translate printed text in real-time. u/ptear


iPhone has a hidden white noise generator. Technically it's an accessibility feature. It can do Balanced noise, Bright noise, Dark noise, Ocean, Rain, Stream. u/trammeloratreasure


I have my iPhone set so that when it disconnects from my car's bluetooth, it remembers that location in Apple Maps as "Parked Location." When I'm going back to the car, I just search for "Parked Location" in Maps and it takes me directly to where the car is. u/TotallyNotHank



Repeatedly clicking the side button like 8 times or sometimes dials 911. Didn’t know that until I did it. u/lazlowbutts


Metal detection. About 5 years ago, a coworker and I knew a hallway in our building had a pipe cleanout that we needed to access, buried under the concrete floor. We didn't know where exactly. He downloaded a metal detector app, it flagged a spot, we dug, and it was right there. u/HatsAreEssential


In the photos app you can search a phrase like “cat” or “green car” or certain texts or anything really and it will bring up every photo related. It’s not perfect but it’s saved me tons of time searching for old photos. I’ve showed this to dozens of people and nobody has ever said I already knew that lol… Hope I can help someone else! u/J-Uchiha-S


Tap and hold the space bar to move your text cursor tool back and forth with precision. Every time I do it in front of someone they've been like"wait, do that again" and they act like I just made their lives way better. u/GregoryGoose


If you take a picture of a flower you can hold it down and click info and it will search up what it is. u/Forward-Mirror5621


"Print" a document to get a pdf! I help people with this so much in my job where people need to send me documents. Often they're expecting to see a "save" or "save as pdf" option, and that may just not be there. They're surprised when you suggest trying "print" without access to a printer, and pleased when they see that it works. u/PinkNGreenFluoride



I remember one of the first iPhones after the App Store opened (3G maybe?) had an app that looked like a mug of beer and when you tilted it it looked like you were drinking it. Lol we thought it was the most advanced thing! u/maasd


to check if your tv remote is working, point it at your phone camera, the phone will pick up the flash and it'll be visible on screen. u/Cutsdeep-


When headphones are not available the speaker does not have to be used and in general the volume can be turned down. u/darybrain


With an iPhone to an iPhone text “Pew Pew” without the quotes and it does lasers to that person in the text. u/drakeftmeyers



On an iphone, if you hold the flashlight button, it gives you a dimmer. u/CoffeePorters


Hold down a part of a photo you want to isolate and it will remove the background. u/Apprehensive_Jaguar


You can backspace on the calculator by swiping to the left or right. u/DysfunctionalAxolotl



If you feel like your brightness is still too high you can actually reduce the white point further in settings. u/chunkylover53aaolcom


You can add shortcuts on your iPhone that are triggered by double or triple tapping the back of your phone. u/butbutbutnotfair


If you set your phone aside and don’t use it while driving, the texts sent to it will still be there waiting for you to reply to when you’ve arrived at your destination. u/ImJustaPoeBoi



on Android you can do splitscreen between 2 apps at once. u/Kris-p-


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