20 Heartwarming Stories to Jump Start Global Warming

Today I won my 12 year battle with homelessness. For the first time since I was 16 years old, I finally have a place to call home
13 years ago, I started medical school. I walked out today a heart and lung surgeon. Today, I am happy.
A year ago my wife left me and my girls. I finally got the finalized divorce papers in the mail today! That means I officially have custody of my two tiny monsters! I’ve also lost over 70lbs in the last year, working to get healthy and watch these two grow up. Haven’t been this happy in forever.
Finally put myself out there. Met the best new person. She understands me, we move at the same speed, same sort of humor. I’ve never been so excited to call someone my girlfriend. Piss off anxiety.
Together 7 years this December and she still walks outside to watch me go to work every day. I’m still totally in love with this woman.
After 4 years of being out of school due to a Traumatic Brain Injury, I am lucky to be able to call myself a student again.
A year and three months ago I was raped. Today, I was able to wear what I haven’t been able to touch since that day. I’m so proud of myself for overcoming that horrible chapter in my life!!
I loved sports but my parents could never afford league fees and great people always stepped in to help. Today I took my season earnings from umpiring and set up a scholarship to make sure I pay it forward. I’m so, so happy.
After the public pool in my town closes for the season, the animal shelter holds a fundraiser where for $10, your dog can play in the pools before they drain them. Soooo many happy puppies.
My little brother’s high school hosted a dance for students with special needs. He had a blast!