
20 Harmless Pranks That Will Still Mess with People

Do you ever get the urge to annoy someone so much? Nothing harmful, but you want them to struggle.

Look no further. Thanks to AskReddit we've collected some of the most devious pranks on the internet.


Pranks come in many shapes and sizes. Some of them are dangerous and downright mean, but it's the more lighthearted ones where no one gets hurt and nothing gets destroyed are our favorite kind.

Do you ever get the urge to annoy someone so much? Nothing harmful, but you want them to struggle. Then look no further, as we've collected some of the most devious pranks on the internet.


After giving a compliment, say “no offense” and watch them struggle to find the non-existent insult. -22demerathd


When having a conversation during a meal, specifically only ask questions to people that are chewing. -humble_Rufus



Whenever you're speaking to somebody who is dominating the conversation, focus on their chin or ear. Look slightly concerned. Every so often flick back to their eyes, but then always make your way back to the one thing. Watch them get increasingly more uncomfortable then eventually just leave. -hawiyik281


Don't turn around when you walk into a lift. -Reviewingremy


My friend was logged into his twitter on my tablet so I kept changing his profile picture to a banana.. he thought someone hacked him and tweeted about it.. I replied to the tweet using his profile.. it got so bad he was arguing with himself on twitter. -foroxev346


If I know someone is walking a little ways behind me and I turn a corner with nobody else around I like to run 10-20 steps to widen the gap and then laugh to myself thinking that the person behind me will be confused. -Shea_J


When you're talking to someone, just keep handing them random items. They'll just keep taking them without realizing it. -Cat_Hoarder0


When I was a corrections officer we had a guy who worked with us who was kind of mean to everyone, and he was computer illiterate. We took a screenshot of his desktop and moved all of his icons off of it so it looked legit but nothing worked. It took him an hour before he finally called IT and they figured it out pretty quickly. He wouldn’t talk to any of us for about a week. -justneedadvice87



My aunt fills her medicine cabinet with ping pong ball whenever she has a party. -GeminiAccountantLLC


I put a tiny piece of masking tape over my co-worker’s mouse laser on April fool’s day one year, wrote “April fool’s” on it. He troubleshot every single thing except examining the mouse. He eventually called IT who simply turned the mouse over and pointed it out to him. -Swedish-Whistle


Say "no pun intended" after a sentence where there was clearly no pun. -boceya5254


Say "High five" to someone, but don't put your hand up. -ilovestrawberrieslol



The movie theater in my town is usually mostly empty. There's been a couple of times when I've come in to get seated and there's literally only one other person in my auditorium. There's an evil part of me that wants to just go sit right next to them. Not illegal, but it should be. -matt314159


Whenever I visit my extended family across the country, I bring a bag full of random remotes that I don’t use anymore. Just random remotes that go to old dvrs or anything really. Just hide them around their house, they only recently caught on. -Dfuz3-Flame


My grandpa does this thing where he stops in the busy street and starts staring into the sky as if he’s seen something amazing. It doesn’t take long for other people to stop and stare too, once he’s reaches critical mass he quietly slips away chuckling to himself. -broken-neurons



When you shake someone's hand, move yours left to right. As they do the traditional up and down, a hilarious circle ensues. -spinozasrobot


Carefully step over a non-existing obstacle. -IWant2rideMyBike


I know someone who always takes an item to a party & leaves it somewhere in the house, ie a trinket/tchotchke. -visitjacklake



When driving I like to wave at random people as if I knew them. Hilarious to see instant confusion on their faces. -thattjuliett


Ask, "What was your (or your wife's/husband's/sister's/etc...) name again?" After they answer I shake my head and say, "No... that's not it." -sakacig240


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