20 Great Films On Netflix Most People Overlook

Jarhead 2005 One of the best war movies of the 2000's. Hell, one of the best movies of the last 15 years, period.

Requiem For a Dream 2000 A mesmerizing film about the horrors of drug addiction. Be warned, it's disturbing, and many say depressing. See it at least once.

Capote 2005 Philip Seymour Hoffman won the Academy Award for best actor in this wonderful film about Truman Capote, following the events during his writing of In Cold Blood.
The Artist 2011 Think you won't enjoy a black white, silent film? Think again! Nominated for 10 academy awards, and winner of 5, The Artist also has a crazy high 98 on RT. If you haven't seen it, watch it and find out why. It's a delight, and great if you're ever feeling down.
Do The Right Thing 1989 Spike Lee's brilliant 1989 work that is now on the AFI's top 100 films of all time. One of 5 films to be selected for preservation by the Nation Film Registry in their first year of eligibility.
Good Will Hunting 1997 Winner of best original screenplay, and best supporting actor Robin Williams. Features some magnificent dialog between Damon Williams.
Canadian Archeology 2010 an unknown number of people race against the snow to try and stay alive
Ip Man 2008 foreign languageOne of the greatest martial arts films ever made, IMHO. Stars the infinitely likeable Donnie Yen, portraying Yip Man, who was Bruce Lee's real life instructor. Features a legendary fight scene.
Fargo 1996This movie has one of my all time favorite scenes ... when Marge Gunderson interviews Jerry Lundegard at the car dealership. Terrific acting and just a really great script all the way through.
Glengarry Glen Ross 1992Featuring an unbelievable cast: Al Pacino, Jack Lemmon, Kevin Spacey, Alan Arkin, Ed Harris, Jonathan Pryce, and a legendary cameo scene from Alec Baldwin. You'll be quoting this movie for years.
Oldboy 2003 foreign language. number 83 83 in IMDB's Top 250 films of all time. this is truly a martial arts masterpiece.
Let The Right One In 2008 foreign language Oskar, an overlooked and bullied boy, finds love and revenge through Eli, a beautiful but peculiar girl who turns out to be a vampire. Sweden has created a vampire film masterpiece.
Hustle Flow 2005" With help from his friends, a Memphis pimp in a mid-life crisis attempts to become a successful hip-hop emcee." -- having read that description before watching, I wasn't expecting much. What I got was a fantastic movie, with a powerfully effective performance from Terrance Howard.
Lost In Translation 2003 A quiet, introspective film about human connection. One of my favorites.
The King's Speech 2010 Winner of eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Director, and Best Screenplay. I absolutely loved it.
Gosford Park 2001 Multiple storylined drama set in 1932, showing the lives of upstairs guest and downstairs servants at a party in a country house in England. Academy Award winner for best original screenplay.
Everything Must Go 2010 When an alcoholic relapses, causing him to lose his wife and his job, he holds a yard sale on his front lawn in an attempt to start over. A new neighbor might be the key to his return to form. Will Ferrell in a unconventional for him dramatic role.
The Pianist 2002 A Polish Jewish musician struggles to survive the destruction of the Warsaw ghetto of World War II. Often brutally depressing, it is an absolute masterpiece, and one of the best films I've ever seen, period. It's not often I want to re-watch a depressing movie, but this movie is an exception.