
20 Examples of Some Truly Genius Yet Unethical Life Hacks

The cost of living and surviving is getting pricier and pricier these days. With food prices going up, greedy corporations, and the latest and greatest must-have gadgets, all that spending can really take a toll on one's personal finances.  Luckily for you, however, we've collected some less-than-above-board life hacks to help save you a few bucks.

These funny and clever 'unethical life hacks' prove that sometimes a good trick up the old sleeve is all you need to get out of a pinch or tilt the tables in your favor.

Obviously, this should go without saying that we don't condone any of these but they are handy to know and fun to think about.

1. Cha-ching!

2. Get that broken phone fixed, on the house.

3. Get to the gym and get your swole on.


4. Ticket for one please.

5. A layover in Hawaii? Guess it'll have to do.

6. Shhhhhh.

7. Talk about getting paid to shop.

8. Booyah!

9. Who doesn't enjoy a little snack while shopping?


10. Big brain move right here.

11. Thinking outside the (mail) box.

12. Sleep like a champ.

13. Crash a pool party or swim for free.


14. Unauthorized access.

15. Nice new wheels dude!

16. Works like new...oh wait, it is new.


17. Villain origin story right here.

18. Free laundry time.

19. I'm sorry, I'm confused... where am I?


20. Why yes I am a student.


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