
19 Evil Companies That Don't Deserve Your Business

With capitalism, there will always be shady practices in companies, but for some reason, we only talk about the major conglomerates. There are plenty of smaller or unknown companies doing shady things behind the scenes. 

Over at r/AskReddit they're talking about lesser-known, or not so much talked about, companies that are doing awful things or have practices that are downright evil. Don't let these places thrive when they do horrible things.


ACME - Seem to have gone for decades selling weapons of mass destruction without much pushback or regulation. u/Cannabis_Sir


Herbalife. Absolute trash scam ruining people’s lives. u/luvenesco


HCA - Healthcare Corp of America The largest, for-profit hospital system in the country (world probably). Imagine if Walmart owned your hospital... that would be an improvement over HCA.u/Stoopiddogface



Value Village. They trick people into thinking they are a nonprofit, take donations that could be going to people who need them, and charge insane prices. u/ripMyTime0192


Pearson Vue - Did none of you go to college and shell out way too much money? Or take a standardized test? u/Realistic_Mushroom


Brookdale, the senior care/assisted living megacorp. Senior care in the US is really terrifying, and they’re at the center of it. Abuse, neglect, grifting survivors into estate-locking deals… Brookdale is evil. And most of us will have to deal with them or someone like them as we’re entering our most vulnerable adult years. u/CyclopticGingerCat


The Susan G Komen Foundation (The reason pink is everywhere for breast cancer awareness) is a crooked organization that not only pockets the majority of the incoming donations, but actively restricts other cancer research fundraising ventures. u/kdeweb24


UPS. I have seen decisions made that have killed employees and then the supervisor responsible get promoted. I have seen managers get fired for removing time worked from time cards only to be hired back a month later. I have saw intentional OSHA violations on a nightly basis for years. I see supervisors relentlessly harass employees. Horrible company in every way imaginable. u/SeigelGT


Autism Speaks. u/TheQuietMelody



Knoa Pharma, formerly known as Purdue Pharma. They are the main character of the opioid crisis. u/grumpy_enraged_bear


De Beers - the largest diamond company in the world - has been exploiting workers in the world's poorest nations for 135 years. u/iWroteBurningWorld


PG&E. They've burned down California several times, killing a number of our citizens here. Then having the audacity to play money games with the families of the deceased or those who've lost homes. u/MAJORMETAL84


Johnson and Johnson knew they had asbestos in their baby powder and still sold their products, causing countless cases of ovarian cancer and mesothelioma. u/LbGuns



Elsevier. Established a near monopoly of academic journals. Charge scientists to publish in them (in the thousands) also charge the public to read them (subscription also in the thousands). Convince other scientists to review the scientific content for free (exploiting younger scientists who need to build their CV). Basically putting a pay wall on the results of government tax dollar funded research. u/ceshhbeshh


Bayer knowingly sold blood-clotting agents infected with HIV to Asia and Latin America months after withdrawing them from Europe and the US. u/TheiLLRecluse


Comcast. They do not care at all about their customers. u/jhonnymazed9



Goodwill. They are non-profit in name only and pay disabled people sub-minimum wage under the guise of helping them. They also put literal garbage on the shelves and sell things higher than they were new. Some are worse than others. u/MsCoddiwomple


PETA. Bunch of hypocrites. u/ATC_av8er


BlackRock. They own almost everything so, of there is such a thing as an evil company, they'd own it. u/d8sconz

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