20 Dumbest Things People Heard Someone Say
damn_nation_inc Published 07/31/2020
I've said it before and I'll say it again: we are drowning in a sea of unfathomable stupidity.
Humanity today has access to more knowledge than ever before, literally at our fingertips. And yet, if these geniuses below are any indication, we are clearly getting dumber by the minute as a species. Maybe it's because it's so easy to get information these days that it's caused the perceived value of acquiring it to drop? I'll never fully understand it, but I'm definitely glad to know most of my immediate circle will never appear on a list like this
Humanity today has access to more knowledge than ever before, literally at our fingertips. And yet, if these geniuses below are any indication, we are clearly getting dumber by the minute as a species. Maybe it's because it's so easy to get information these days that it's caused the perceived value of acquiring it to drop? I'll never fully understand it, but I'm definitely glad to know most of my immediate circle will never appear on a list like this