
20 Dumb Items People Tried to Sneak Past Airport Security

The rules of TSA are fairly simple. Leave your water bottles at home (you can buy a $15 Dasani at the gate), if you bring a big tube of sunscreen, you will be suspected of terrorism, and for the love of God, leave your guns, box cutters and hatchets at home.

But even with these crystal clear guidelines, several fliers still failed to get the memo about what (literally) does and does not fly in the eyes of airport security staffers.

From a weed-filled tub of peanut butter to an Eric Andre-sized bottle of ranch dressing, here are 20 items travelers actually attempted to sneak onto their flights. 

1. Drug-filled crab boil seasoning

2. Weapon-themed wedges

3. Rocket replicas


4. "PB&Jay"

5. A Sharpie shiv

6. A massive cleaver

7. A big 'ol bottle of ranch dressing

8. A massive knife … hidden in a loaf of bread

9. A gun-stuffed turkey


10. The 'Attitude Adjuster' Hammer

11. A pot-filled adult diaper

12. Eight sausage rolls

13. A cannabis-concealing candle


14. $10,000 hidden in a slow cooker

15. A commemorative Disney Coca-Cola bottle

16. A turtle hidden in a pants pocket


17. Grenade-shaped hot sauce

18. Body wash bullets

19. A dog hidden in a backpack


20. 'Naruto' throwing knives

Categories: Facepalm Fail

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