18 Hypocritical Practices That Get On Our Nerves
I'm still in awe over the double standard with which people treat the credibility of information. If it confirms their world view, they're happy to accept extraordinary information from partisan blogs, tabloids, and columnists with no further confirmation. But if it challenges their worldview, good luck convincing them of anything. -u/rtvfrvl
You get in ahead of everyone else, and no one notices or cares. But, God forbid, you depart before everyone else and are a slug. No, I worked the same number of hours (if not more) than you. You weren't here to see it, but that doesn't mean I wasn't there. -u/ElwandaPurnell
Being told it is OK to ask questions and being treated like an inconvenience when you do. -u/callmefinny
In India, everyone wants signal, but they don't want mobile/cell towers in their area. -u/alpha1729
Don’t go to work/school if you’re sick, but if you miss school/work you’re in trouble. -u/Fluxxylady24601
Companies doing PSAs for people to not litter and recycle their products when they themselves are producing products that mostly cannot be properly recycled and end up in landfills anyway. Bonus points for taxes we pay for recycling programs in our cities. -u/Fishermanfrienamy
People who say video games are bad then spend 8 hours a day scrolling through social media and watching tv. -u/chasinbirdies
Around my area a man would be called "gay" by doing girl's hair. I wanna learn and get better at doing my 5yr old daughter's hair. Nothing extreme, just the regular nice stuff I guess. Braids ponytails n other cool stuff like that. Men around here only do men's hair, but women can do both men's and women's hair. -u/No_Leader_2711
If I’m with my kids without the Mrs. around, people ask if I’m babysitting. No b**ch, they’re my kids, I’m parenting. -u/RepublicOfMoron
I grew raised in a country that does not encourage the use of personal vehicles. There is a lot of public transportation available. As a result, I have very little mechanical expertise. My white girlfriend, who grew up in the country and whose father is a mechanic, has spent her entire life tinkering with automobiles. When we go to an auto parts store to get something, the salespeople never say anything to her. Even if they ask me a question and she answers, they continue to talk to me as if she doesn't exist. It's unbelievable. They don't seem to notice her. She's gone to job interviews for mechanical jobs where the interviewer asks her extremely simple and dismissive questions because they don't believe she can understand what they're asking. -u/SoonBrittain
"snitches get stitches" mentality never made sense to me in school. Like, you can bully me, verbally abuse me, steal my stuff and hit me, people are ok with that. But if I drop someone in it and they get in trouble for their own actions, somehow that is worse? Why should I let someone be an asshole to me?
A double standard that affects me constantly is it’s socially acceptable to ask people “Why’re you so skinny” but it’s totally unacceptable and inappropriate to ask people “why’re you so fat?” I’ve had times where people who were fairly overweight would ask me “Man you’re so skinny” and I constantly think in my head what would happen if I said “Man you’re so fat”
In the U.S. you're required by law when you turn 18 to sign up for Selective Service because according to the government, you're considered an "adult" who can be drafted into the military at a time of war if needed......but you're not allowed to purchase or consume alcoholic beverages until you're 21 because you're too young otherwise. So at 18 I can legally be forced to go overseas and partake in combat where I can get my arms and legs blown off and/or end up with severe PTSD for life or even killed.....but God forbid I want to enjoy a cold beer after work? -u/Few_Dance2106
Politicians being judged based on their party affiliation rather than their actions. -u/gh0stm4k3r
Smoker takes a break every hour to go outside to smoke and that’s perfectly okay. Non-smoker steps outside for some fresh air and that’s a big problem. -u/jeff_the_nurse