
20 Juicy Facts About Fruit

Fruits are an inherent part of human society. Hence, let's honor the juicy sweet gifts of nature by looking at some of the craziest facts about them.


"The white stringy stuff on citrus fruit is called Pith and is really healthy for u to eat, and contains as much Vitamin C as the actual fruit" - u/That_Marvel_Dude1012


"Pinecones are a type of fruit" - u/Poketom2362


"Frieda Caplan, a pioneer in the world of produce who built a successful business in the 1960s by promoting items that, at the time, were relatively unheard of in the U.S. such as mangoes, shallots, and a New Zealand fruit originally called "Chinese gooseberry," which she dubbed the kiwi." - u/PikesPique



"Around 2% of people have Pollen Food Syndrome (aka Oral Allergy Syndrome). This allergy to types of pollen will cause reactions in foods, usually raw fruit, vegetables, legumes and nuts. One study found a majority of people who had birch pollen allergy also would also react to fresh apples." - u/grandlewis


"Date fruits actually grow on palm trees, more specifically the Phoenix dactylifera, which are native to western Asia and north Africa." - u/almond_paste208


"Blood oranges get their color from the pigment anthocyanin. This pigment needs low nightly temperatures to form. Anthocyanin is not commonly found in a majority of citrus fruits." - u/dilettantedebrah


"Brazil nut trees have fruits the size of a coconut, with a hard, woody shell 8–12 mm thick, which contains between 8 and 24 seeds (the Brazil nuts we know)" - u/enigbert


"When St. Jerome translated the Bible to common Latin, he made the forbidden fruit an apple as a pun." - u/umlguru


"Iceland has largest banana plantation in Europe. They use geothermal energy to heat greenhouses, allowing for the production of tropical fruits like banananas." - u/cityboy2



"Victory gardens, also called war gardens or food gardens for defense, were vegetable, fruit, and herb gardens planted at private residences and public parks in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Germany during World War I and World War II." - u/ChildlessTran2222


"Almost all of the fruit, vegetables, and animals we eat are domesticated and ARE NOT found in nature. A few foods like some berries, nuts, and mushrooms are consumed in the same form they grow in the wild. Humans are "selectively breeding" species for more then 12,000 years." - u/AvocadoDemon


"The saying, “One bad apple spoils the barrel” has scientific origin. A single moldy apple stored with good apples can, in fact, spread and spoil the rest of the bunch. Avoid keeping apples (and other ripening fruits) next to your pumpkin this season, to steer clear of similar effects." - u/nkalinos


"The United Fruit Company, the company which ran banana republics in central America, still sells bananas todays after being rebranded "Chiquita Brands International" - u/_m1000



"Lemons float while limes sink" - u/mikeyv683


"State of California by itself produces 50% of the nation's Fruits, Nuts, and Vegetables... and 20% of its Milk" - u/Navydevildoc


"Apples are considered part of the rose family of flowering plants (Rosaceae). This family includes many edible fruits, such as apples, pears, quinces, apricots, plums, cherries, peaches, raspberries, strawberries, & almonds." - u/JC_tiggr



"There's a fruit, native to Central & South America, that tastes like chocolate pudding" - u/Shankar_0


"The state fruit of Tennessee is the tomato." - u/cheenips


"The Miracle Fruit is a plant which causes all sour foods to taste sweet for a short period of time after consumption. This taste change is done through a compound called miraculin." - u/Aarya_Bakes



"There’s a species of parasitic nematode that induces “fruit-mimicry” in tropical ants. Infected ants develop bright red abdomens, tend to be more sluggish, and walk with their abdomens in a conspicuous elevated position. This causes frugivorous birds to confuse them for berries." - u/WayneBetzky


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