17 Wild Celebrity Facts Almost Nobody Knows
Despite what the non-stop, highly-incentivized coverage of their every breath, celebrities are just people like you and I. Well, sort of. They're like us, only better-looking, richer, more influential... we get the point.
It seems like the same facts about celebrities end up being recycled, over and over. But, every now and then, you get a big ol batch of actually surprising celebrity facts that most people don't know. Down below we've got 18, picked up from BuzzFeed , that you've probably never heard of.

Fran Drescher believes aliens abducted her and implanted a chip in her hand.Her ex-husband believes the same thing happened to him and that’s why they met.

Matthew Perry lost part of his middle finger as a kid.It was slammed in a car door when he was 3 y/o.
Denzel Washington has a permanently wonky pinky finger. He dislocated it so many times that it will occasionally fall out of place when he moves. (Seriously, you should look it up, it’s a doozy)
Elvis Presley was actually a natural blonde.He started using black shoe polish to darken his hair to look more handsome.
Bryan Cranston was once a suspect in a giant murder investigation.He worked at a restaurant where he hated the chef and made a joke about killing him. The chef ended up dead around the same time Cranston and his brother left town, leading the police to consider them suspects and follow them to the Carolinas.
When she was 22, Angelina Jolie tried to hire a hitman to kill her, but he convinced her to stay alive.
Lucy Liu claims to have had "relations" with a ghost.“It was sheer bliss. I felt everything. I climaxed. And then he floated away. It was almost like what might have happened to Mary.”
Tim Allen was arrested for cocaine possession and served two years in jail.He only didn’t get a life sentence because he snitched on other dealers for a lighter sentence.
Geena Davis almost made the US Olympic archery team in 1999, after taking up the sport in her 40s.She was ranked the 13th best female player in the US.
Eva Mendes always wanted to be a nun when she grew up.She changed her mind when she found out they didn’t make any money.
Benedict Cumberbatch was abducted in South Africa in 2005.He and his friends were ambushed by men with guns and their wrists were bound with their own shoelaces. Obviously, he made it out alive but was forced to give the captors cards and money.
Charlie Sheen accidentally shot his then-fiancé Kelly Preston.But there are conflicting reports on what actually happened…
Stephen Baldwin has a Hannah Montana tattoo.His daughter Hailey was a big fan and he was told if he got HM tattooed he could make a cameo. Unfortunately for him, it never happened but he still has the ink.