
20 AmITheA**hole Questions from Definite A**holes

Over on Reddit, users love to share their stories with the world. And these stories usually come with a simple question: "am I the asshole?"

Normally, answering this takes a lot of debate. But here is our roundup and commentary on questions that come from definite a**holes!


AmITheAsshole Questions - for not letting my daughter play with the neighbor’s kids

"AITA for not letting my daughter play with the neighbor’s kids?"

You know all those words of wisdom about how racism and classicism are not innate and that we have to teach our children to be assholes? Well, that all starts with helicopter moms worrying about kids hanging out with the “wrong crowd” (spoilers: it was poor people) in their own damn neighborhood!


AmITheAsshole Questions - for putting my roommate’s dirty dishes in front of her door

"AITA for putting my roommate’s dirty dishes in front of her door?"

Here’s a universal truth: everyone who has had roommates has roommate horror stories. But the only resolution to crappy roommates is communication and conflict resolution. Just stacking dirty dishes outside their door like a passive-aggressive weirdo only makes things worse!


AmITheAsshole Questions - for being upset at a joke

"AITA for being upset at a joke"

The original poster desperately wanted to give us context for this. But as the late, great George Carlin might remind you, you are ALWAYS an asshole for being upset at a joke.



"AITA for not taking my mother in when she needed a place, and being happy for it?"

Three of the most honest and powerful words in the English language are “family is complicated.” But this one’s pretty simple: if you can’t support someone that raised you, she should be allowed to strap up and give you a really, really late abortion.


"AITA for asking my younger sister how she was going to pay for everything and saying her plans weren’t realistic after she showed us her wedding plans?"

When you think about people who love to crush dreams, you’re probably thinking about some supervillain from one of the dumber Marvel movies. But it turns out all you need to see your own dreams crushed is just a really shitty sibling.


"AITA for getting my son guitar lessons but not my daughter?"

Parents, here’s a quick tip: your children don’t need much of an excuse to want to kill each other. The last thing you need to do is give your daughter another reason to hate her brother, especially when she’s just going to end up hating you, too.


"AITA for not giving my front row spot at a concert to a girl in a wheelchair"

Here’s another guy that really wanted us to have some juicy context. But we’re going to go out on a limb here: if you need to ask the internet whether it’s ok to be a dick to disabled people, then you already know the answer.


"AITA for reporting my roommate to the college?"

In a perfect world, this dude’s roommate would very belatedly have taught the lesson that “snitches get stitches.” But in the real world, this dude ratted somebody out to the administration for no good reason.

Hell, dude, not even the professors sell people out to the admins like that!


"AITA for giving one daughter more money than the other?"

At some point, we can only assume that most of these insane parents are running social experiments to see how long it takes their children to fight to the death in a fit of jealousy.



"AITA for not sharing the role of mom and mother's day with my kid's stepmom?"

Divorce is always messy, and statistically speaking, most marriages are likely to end in divorce. So going out of your way to make things more miserable for your kid, your ex-, and the stepmom is just going out of your way to be a dick.


"AITA for blocking & refusing to send pictures to the girl I bought my cat from"

For animal lovers, giving an animal up for adoption is one of the hardest things they will ever have to do. Refusing to give the cat’s original owner so much as a single picture so they can see the cat is healthy and happy is just downright cruel!


"AITA for outing my Dad’s porn addiction on Reddit?"

Putting someone on blast about their porn is just a straight-up violation of the bro code, and it’s even worse that it’s your dad. Honestly, every dude reading this should have an agreement with a friend or family member to clean up their computer porn after the dude dies.

Just don’t choose someone who will sell you out to Reddit!


"AITA for laughing at my mum and telling her it’s not my fault she’s broke?"

Money is a divisive topic, and all of us have our financial ups and downs. But some basic empathy costs nothing, so you shouldn’t laugh at someone for going broke. Honestly, you shouldn’t laugh at anyone, and laughing at the person who brought you into this world is some true psycho shit.



"AITA for changing my RSVP for my sister’s wedding from yes to no"

Weddings are a nightmare, and your sister likely needs all the support she can get. Are you really that incapable of getting your shit together and supporting a bratty sibling for just a few hours?


"AITA for excluding my nephew from my son's birthday party?"

The secret origin of basically everyone in therapy is “my family was crappy.” And we’re pretty confident that micromanaging your young child’s birthday guest list will eventually land him and your nephew on the therapist’s couch!


"AITA for using my son’s child support money to help my parents buy a house?"

Dude, come ON. It’s right there in the name: “child support,” not “parent support.” Did you really go to Reddit to get support for stealing money from your child?



"WIBTA for ignoring a wedding dress code?"

Dress codes are usually dumb, but if you are going to a wedding, it is as an invited guest. You have the whole rest of your life to dress however you want. Is it really that impossible to make your friend happy on the most important day of their life?


"AITA for reacting negatively when my husband handed me my birthday gift?"

Honestly, this is like “Basic Etiquette 101.” We all grew up hearing that “it’s the thought that counts” rather than the gift itself. But that’s a lesson this insane person apparently never learned!


"AITA for being angry at my MIL for not giving us money for our house purchase?"

Look, buying a house is tough. Sometimes, it seems downright impossible. But that’s no excuse to throw an online temper tantrum about not getting as many handouts as you think you deserve!



"AITA for going behind my wife’s back to help my ex-wife out?"

Eventually, this dude is going to have to rewrite this question for clarity. That’s because by the time you read this, we’re pretty sure the idiot is going to have two ex-wives instead of just one.


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