20 Husbands Looking For An Excuse To Get Divorced
There, you can find husbands who go beyond just venting about their marriages. Here are some dudes that are clearly just looking for any excuse to get divorced!

“AITA For pretty much giving my wife an ultimatum?”
There are few hard and fast rules when it comes to marriage. But here is one you can take to the bank: if you’d like to stay married, don’t make demands of your spouse like a child throwing a tantrum!

“AITA for being upset that my wife is encouraging our daughter to work?”
This man is simultaneously being a bad parent as well as a bad husband. Honestly, if the worst thing about your family is that your child wants to learn valuable job skills, you should just sit back and be grateful!

“AITA for telling my wife it's embarrassing she gave our daughter's bus driver cookies?”
Spoilers, dad: pretty much everyone treats that bus driver like crap, including most of the children he is transporting. The least you can do is let your wife brighten the guy’s day. Keep this up and the next bus driver she gives “cookies” to will be driving the Bang Bus.
“AITA for not dressing up for my wife's work event?”
You know the old cliche about never getting a second chance to make a first impression? This is especially true when you see your wife’s coworkers at a special event. Just take some time and put on a damn tie so her coworkers don’t realize what a lazy slob you really are!
“AITA for focusing on medical school over my wife's mental health?”
Take it from someone who has been there: balancing work, school, and marriage is genuinely tough work. But if your balance strategy involves “ignore my wife’s needs,” the balancing act will get a lot easier simply because you won’t have a wife for much longer!
“AITA for not including my wife on a family trip?”
The answer to this dude’s question is basically buried within the question. This is a “family trip,” and excluding your wife is basically a shortcut to telling her that you don’t consider her family!
“AITA for ordering just for the kids and not waiting for my wife to place her order?”
When you take the family to dinner, the food isn’t really the focus. Instead, the food is just an excuse to hang out and bond in a new setting. This guy is sending a clear message to his wife that he just wants to hang with the kids and ignore what she wants.
“AITA for policing my wife's caffeine intake?”
Plenty of marriages unravel because the husband is trying to be “helpful” about his wife’s health. But trust us: a steady dose of caffeine is one of the only reasons she is tolerating this guy. Take that caffeine away and she will probably cut to the chase and just murder him.
“AITA for telling my wife why can’t she be pretty like her sister after she told me why can’t I be strong like my brother?”
In all fairness, this really does sound like a case where husband and wife were both being assholes to each other. But telling your wife she isn’t that pretty right to her face is just signing the death warrant for an entire marriage.
“AITA for moving out with my son when my wife kicked him out?”
When a married couple has kids, there is a simple rule to follow: the parents need to stand strong and not let the kid drive them apart. This guy is making it 100% clear that he is no longer on his wife’s side, and moving out of the house is just making sure divorce is in his immediate future.
“AITA for sleeping in the guest room so that my wife will take care of our baby at night?”
The closest you will ever come to going crazy is tending to a screaming child every night for months on end. And the only way to stay sane is for both parents to do their fair share of dealing with the kid. This guy’s passive-aggressive move means his wife is just going to leave his ass and get full custody of the child while she’s at it.
“AITA For leaving my sick wife at home to attend a party?”
Come on, man. Did you really have to come to the internet and try to justify ditching your sick wife to go party? This just lets her know where your priorities are, and she’s going to be changing her own priorities very, very soon to kick your ass to the curb!
“AITA for going to sleep at a motel room for a night after my wife was not letting me sleep undisturbed?”
Sometimes, a little distance can help in a relationship, but only if you pair that with some good communication. Just checking into a motel instead of talking to your wife is the same thing as checking out of the marriage.
Don’t be surprised if another man is in your bed once you get back home!
“AITA for secretly muting my wife's emails while on vacation?”
I’m sure this guy thought he was doing a good thing that might help his wife relax during vacation. But when (not if) she finds out, the opposite will happen. That’s because she will never be able to relax again knowing that her husband is doing this kind of weird stuff behind her back!
“AITA for telling my wife that I do not miss her?”
I mean…we can all see this marriage is already over, right? When you’re happier that someone is gone than when they are with you, it just means you don’t really want to be with them any longer.
“AITA for confronting my wife for buying my birthday gift with my money?”
Money can tear apart marriages as easily as it can tear apart any other relationship. But if you’re unwilling to share money with your partner, you’ll soon have no partner at all!
“AITA I told my wife that our 10yo daughter was more mature than her?”
Every spouse has their good days and bad days, and I don’t doubt that this dude’s wife was giving him hell. But throwing her immaturity back in her face is just lighting an already short fuse, and this marriage will soon be exploding.
“AITA for asking my wife not to cook for me anymore?”
Look: some wives are better cooks than others. But straight-up refusing to eat so much as a bite of food she prepares means she’ll just poison your takeout food when you’re not looking.
“AITA For not wanting to talk to my wife about why I'm upset?”
This guy has clearly internalized his grandpa’s “never show any weakness” idea of masculinity. But bottling up your emotions while simultaneously driving your wife away is a really bad combination that spells doom for this marriage.
“AITA for canceling a couple of streaming services and telling my wife to get a job if she wants them back?”
Money is tight for many married couples, and it’s pretty common to make small sacrifices here and there. But if those sacrifices are just an excuse to insult his wife, we’re pretty sure this dude’s next subreddit post will be r/DeadBedrooms.