
19 Terrible Things That Are Legally Being Sold

In our world, humans consume a lot of things. Some are good, while the others are not. However, sometimes some things are the absolute worst, which is what this list is all about.
1. Those non-fda approved energy pills sold at gas stations and corner stores. Tried em once, should have listened to the crackhead who told me not to buy them. - Available_Job1288
2. I work in a pet store and though it’s not majorly fucked up i think it’s wild that people can buy a tortoise or any animals for that matter that can and will outlive them and their kids. just assuming their grandkids will take care of them or given to another sanctuary. - Dope_Lunaa
3. 'courses' that show you dreams of being rich but turn out to be poorly plagiarised material from some self help book. - fuddafascists
4. Ink cartriges and printers - their manufacturing cost is really cheap, but companies keep the price at all time high. - N0L1CZE
5. Betta fish in those cups. It would be like telling you to go wait in a closet until someone rescues you, and when they do, it means that another victim is destined for the closet to replace you. - steelep13
6. Mobile game ads that show a completely different gameplay than that of the game they’re actually advertising - speedbro
7. All of Gwyneth Paltrows goop shit. - bobby-spanks
8. Child beauty shows are gross - Remarkable_Toe_4423
9. Anything that claims to rid your body of “toxins” - Lost-Sea4916
10. Weight loss pills - Stupidsexyflanders61
11. Tanning beds. They're known to double your risk for melanoma. It's a wonder they haven't been banned or at least taxed four times over like cigarettes. - Dynasuarez-Wrecks
12. Shark fin soup - Bnmko_007
13. Ads on TV for pharmaceuticals. - satellite_retro
14. Little plastic keychains with live animals sealed inside them. - VitaDeVoid
15. Politicians... Purchased by lobbyist and others - Mobile_Zebra3897
16. Tinder premium subscription. - redditCredditLeggit
17. Positive pregnancy tests used to trick people. - Freeiheit
18. Extended warranties. - N79806
19. Bleaching/Skin lightening creams. They are extremely dangerous and may cause damage to ones skin that is irreversible. I've known friends who bleached and it looked like parts of their skin had literally been boiled off or they became darker in complexion due to damage. They tend to be sold a lot in countries in Africa and south east Asia. It's quite scary how easy they can also be found in Asian/African beauty stores in the states but are probably sold illegally. - stakedrivers
Categories: Facepalm

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