19 Times Someone Chose the Passive Aggressive Route
Passive Aggressiveness is a type of behavior that is characterized by indirect resistance to the demands of others and avoidance of direct confrontation. In layman's terms, it's walking that fine line between being polite and not so polite, or informative and petty. However, you slice it up this batch of pics proves that the best type of aggression is the passive kind.

Passive Aggressiveness is a type of behavior that is characterized by indirect resistance to the demands of others and avoidance of direct confrontation. In layman's terms, it's walking that fine line between being polite and not so polite, or informative and petty. However, you slice it up this batch of pics proves that the best type of aggression is the passive kind.
I think my electrician got a little fed up with all the questions and watching over his shoulder I was doing..