19 Things Most People Don't Know Can Seriously Mess You Up
Best be careful of these dangerous things. From AskReddit comes 21 things people did not know can completely mess you up. It's a dangerous world out there. Be careful.

Concussions. A few years back I taught a student with phenomenal grades. Around midyear, she got concussed playing soccer. Almost failed the school year. Next year she hardly showed up. She literally became a different person.
Dehydration. I recently had to be put into the hospital because I vomited so profusely and so strongly that I pulled most of the muscles in my core- diaphragm, abdominals, obliques, even my traps on my upper back. And I couldn't take a full breath in.
Listening to loud music or being exposed to loud sounds daily. Can cause permanent tinnitus or hearing loss issues down the road.
Pigs. An adult pig is a dangerous animal. Where I live there is always a death by pigs every year. Same story; family had pigs, kids grew and left the house, elder mother or father falls while feeding the pigs, can't get up because they’re old, pigs eat them.
Stuffed animals can be important for the emotional development of kids, and taking away a stuffed animal can be traumatic.
Cement dust. If you're ever around a construction site and notice cement dust in the air, mask up or move on.
Ignoring teeth problems. I had a filling that fell out and I ignored it. Worst pain ever. Cost me a lot too.
Kangaroos. Apparently they have a claw on their hind leg similar to a raptor that can slice your abdomen so deep that your guts fall right out.
Not replacing your gas furnace filters results in your heat exchanger to crack and then the furnace blows odorless carbon monoxide throughout your vents and you go to sleep forever.
Fist fights. One punch is all it takes to get messed up for life, if not die. Fall wrong. Smash your head on something. The punch itself. Plus, you don't even have to be on the receiving end of the punch to mess your life up.
Acetaminophen. If you don't stay within the recommended dose, you can mess up your liver very quickly.