
19 Superheroes of Various Countries as Imaged by A.I.

A.I. is without a doubt the hottest trend in tech and while there are a number of great uses for the technology, asking A.I. to generate images from weird prompts has proven to be the most entertaining thus far. 

A.I.'s ability to imagine what a Superhero from Italy would look like or how jacked Jimmy Carter would be if he pumped iron has yet to let us down.

Sure, you can use A.I. to make websites, edit videos, and even duplicate your human form. But what we want to see is what would the cast of Scooby-Doo look like if they were homeless and strung out. 

Here we have Midjourney creations based on what "national superheroes from 19 different countries" would look like. 

1. Brazil

2. France

3. Uniked Kingdom


4. Italy

5. South Korea

6. Canada

7. Mexico

8. India

9. Japan


10. Turkey

11. United States of America

12. China

13. Spain


14. Germany

15. Saudi Arabia

16. Australia


17. South Africa

18. Greece

19. Argentina


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