19 Fascinating Photos From Our Fascinating World

Every day when I woke up lying in my bed I open my eyes and tell to myself “God… I’m still here in Venezuela”. I’ve lost my mood… Shit is so bad I’ve not eaten egg since a while, and that last time I had to pay 500 BsF for a dozen… 1/15th of the minimum salary. Chicken… not even in dreams, I managed to find meat but lizard’s without bone, I had no option but to buy it… There are no medicines, there’s… nothing My wife needs a lumbar surgery, since the first operation was not enough, and we arranged with the doctors to see if they could do it here because my plan to operate her abroad fell out. Today I got a call… they told me “We are calling you from Dr. Maria’s office to inform you that yours wife operation have been canceled ” when I asked why I wasn’t redy for the answer, it happens that the operation needs at least 5 doctors (2 neuro, 1 torax surgeon, 1 general, 1 anesthesiologist) because it’s a very delicate procedure… Well, of the 5 doctors 3 had left the country (1 december 1st and 2 more the same december 6th) and the company in charge of providing the spine piece did not have it and weren’t going to import it because of the dollars problem (the goverment controls the supply of dollars)… The doctor told me that I could try reaching out the goverment but that she already called (her cousin or something works with the goverment social work or something like that) and they told her that all help had been cancelled for the rest of the year and the next year first quarter. The doctor itself is leaving the country on january 7th and she’s going to close her office, that means this woman was calling her patients to tell them there wasn’t going to be more appointments or anything, because she herself was losing her job… shit.. I wish I could have the power to tell them that it’s important right now… to tell them to give them priority. I wish I were with the goverment so I could get dollars… I wish… Right now I see my wife bending in pain … She didn’t sleep last night because of the pain… and I’ve to hold back my tears… I’ve to be strong for her… I don’t want to imagine how she is going to feel when I tell her that they are not going to operate her… So much shit… – lombardo2
Hanakapiai Beach is one of the most dangerous places in the world to go swimming Due to powerful rip currents and waves that are known to sweep people out to sea. In the event that a swimmer gets caught in a rip current, the closest safe shore area is about six miles away. Due to these hazardous conditions, The Telegraph reports that at least 83 people have drowned there over the years.
Ronda Rousey kept her promise and attended the Marine Corps Ball with Marine Lance Cpl. Jarrod Haschert
Florida man has a heart attack while mowing lawn. These firefighters stayed behind to finish the job
Before and after photos show how far a puppy has recovered after being rescued off a busy interstate only 30 days prior.
Venezuela’s economy has slumped to such lows that unemployed individuals are taking up jobs as professional standers-in-line: taking the place of people who pay them to stand for hours, blocks away from grocery stores, for access to limited supplies of milk, flour, and other necessary goods.