19 Epic Photos of WIldlife and Nature to Remind Us What's at Stake
Clocking in, clocking out. Getting up early, hopping in our car and listening to the radio on the way to work. Watercooler talk. Wondering what you're going to watch tonight, how much you weigh now. Whether or not you should get a new chair.
When caught up with all things human, we forget how bizarrely mundane it is. How wild the world really is. Just how intense the many wildernesses of planet earth are for the creatures that inhabit them.
Down below are some of the more insane pics and snapshots of those creatures curated here for their general freshness and awesomeness. Enjoy.
u/Jakunai: In case anyone is wondering what happened to the dinosaurs, here's a baby blue heron
u/goatishrust: Rare Melanistic West African Slender-snout Crocodile (Mecistops cataphractus)
u/OncaAtrox: Jaguar mating pair seen at the Floresta Nacional de Carajás, Brazilian Amazon.