18 Would You Rather Questions Nearly Impossible to Answer
The age-old game of would you rather have had people pondering life's most important questions. We went to r/AskReddit and found the best questions that are impossible to answer because either one would be a disaster. There's nothing better than getting together at a party and questioning your friend's decision-making.

Would you rather have the ability to effortlessly run at 100 mph, or fly at 10 mph? u/MyGoodFriendJon
Have a thousand cuts all over your body and jump in a bath on lemon juice or have a tooth pick under your big toe nail and kick a wall? u/IsItItIs
Would you rather eat a spoonful of ice cream that tastes like shit or a cappuccino spoon of shit that tastes like ice cream? u/[deleted]
Would you rather have legs as long as your fingers, or fingers as long as your legs? u/HowardBass
Would you rather drink a glass of someone else’s spit or someone else’s sweat? u/buttsofglory
Would you rather know how you are going to die or when you are going to die? u/Healthy_Mycologist37
Would you rather have super speed but only backwards or be able to teleport but it’s completely random and you have no say in where you go? u/TooYoungToBeThisOld1
Would you rather eat raw chicken wings or chicken wings seasoned with bear mace? u/ValentineIce
Would you rather have to pay for everything in pennies or have to use a pogo stick as your only method of transportation. This includes walking; if you want to get up off the couch to go get a bag of chips from the pantry, you have to pogo there. u/drallafi
Would you rather fight 1 duck the size of a horse or 100 horses the size of ducks? u/riphitter
Would you rather be constantly sticky all over your entire body, forever. Or constantly itchy all over your entire body, forever? u/MaritimeMartian