18 Examples of the Unstoppable Power of Time
Entropy is the master of all things, and its friend time is our simple reminder that nothing lasts forever. Time is a merciless beast who takes no prisoners.
Everything we see from plants to buildings, people to landscapes, absolutely everything feels the effects of time, over time. So check out this interesting look at how things change over time, and it may even remind you of your own lack of permanence.

Entropy is the master of all things, and its friend time is our simple reminder that nothing lasts forever. Time is a merciless beast who takes no prisoners. Everything we see from plants to buildings, people to landscapes, absolutely everything feels the effects of time, over time. So check out this interesting look at how things change over time, and it may even remind you of your own lack of permanence.
“My dad’s old Leatherman holster and his new one. He hardly ever buys things online and was super excited to show this off to me.”
“1995 Zippo, before and after. One day it will look like it did before the sanding and polish.”