
17 Fascinating Photos That Will Pique Your Interest

Interesting stuff from around the world that you don't see everyday.


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News Caster from the last time a Solar Eclipse was visible from America


Golden Eagles talons



Battle-scarred Hippo


World’s Largest Floating Solar Farm. A floating solar farm is more expensive to build than one on land, because it must be designed to withstand salt and humidity from water. But it has advantages: It can be built on otherwise unused surface. It works more efficiently, because the presence of water cools the panels as they generate electricity. It can mitigate evaporation of water, keeping the lake full for longer.


A Music Typewriter from 1936


Someone made a collage of headlines saying what millennials are killing


Pipe Slum in India


Ruined temple Covered in Volcanic Ash



New 50ft statue “Dignity” that just went up in South Dakota. The stainless steel statue, by South Dakota artist laureate Dale Lamphere, depicts an Indigenous woman in Plains-style dress receiving a star quilt. The sculpture honors the culture of the Lakota and Dakota peoples who are indigenous to South Dakota. The statue boldly proclaims that South Dakota’s Native cultures are alive, standing with dignity. When interviewed after the dedication, Lamphere said “It’s been well received by the Native community, and by visitors from all over the country. My hope over time is it really gets people to think about the beauty of the native cultures.”


US Marine returns a flag he took from a fallen Japanese soldier during WWII to the soldier’s family. They had never received any of his remains or belongings until that moment. Marvin Strombo, who had taken the calligraphy-covered Japanese flag from a dead soldier at a World War II island battlefield 73 years ago, returned it Tuesday to the family of Sadao Yasue. They had never gotten his body or — until that moment — anything else of his. Yasue and Tatsuya’s sister Sayoko Furuta, 93, sitting in her wheelchair, covered her face with both hands and wept silently as Tatsuya placed the flag on her lap. Strombo reached out and gently rubbed her shoulder. ‘‘I was so happy that I returned the flag,’’ Strombo said. ‘‘I can see how much the flag meant to her. That almost made me cry … It meant everything in the world to her.’’ The flag’s white background is filled with signatures of 180 friends and neighbors in this tea-growing mountain village of Higashishirakawa, wishing Yasue’s safe return. The signatures helped Strombo find its rightful owners. The smell of the flag immediately brought back childhood memories. ‘‘It smelled like my good old big brother, and it smelled like our mother’s home cooking we ate together,’’ Tatsuya Yasue said. ‘‘The flag will be our treasure.’’


At DisneyLand all photos of Walt Disney have his cigarettes photo-shopped out


Ever wondered how reliable those age progression on missing persons are?



Woman marries daughter after the two ‘hit it off’. An Oklahoma woman and her biological adult daughter have both been arrested after local officials discovered the pair had married each other earlier this year. Both Spann and 25-year-old daughter Misty have been arrested on charges of incest, which is a felony that carries a potential sentence of 10 years in prison.


Berlin Konzerthaus


Cockpit of Airbus A380



These Are The Most Searched Plastic Surgery Procedures By State

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